GovernmentProportion of Employees in receipt of PUP, TWSS or EWSS
Respondents aged 25 years perception of discrimination
GovernmentRespondents aged 25 years and their gambling activities
GUI59 - Respondents aged 25 years who have used cocaine at least once in the last yearGovernmentRespondents aged 25 years who have used cocaine at least once in the last year
Self esteem of respondents aged 25 years
GUI44 - Respondents aged 25 years who may or may not be a member of a pension schemeGovernmentRespondents aged 25 years who may or may not be a member of a pension scheme
Respondents aged 25 years who save regularly
GovernmentProfile of Income Quintiles of Respondents aged 25 years
GUI18 - Respondents aged 25 years and the person they talk to about personal thoughts and feelingsGovernmentRespondents aged 25 years and the person they talk to about personal thoughts and feelings
GUI16 - Respondents aged 25 years and their relationship with their parents since they were 20 ye...GovernmentRespondents aged 25 years and their relationship with their parents since they were 20 years old
Respondents aged 25 years residing with parents
GUI04 - Persons aged 25 years who may or may not reside with their parentsGovernmentPersons aged 25 years who may or may not reside with their parents
Respondents aged 25 years satisfaction with job
Respondents aged 25 years satisfaction with job
GovernmentRespondents aged 25 years continuing in Higher Education
Respondents aged 25 years in Employment
GovernmentEconomic activity of respondents aged 25 years in Employment
Respondents aged 25 years perception of discrimination
Respondents aged 25 years in Employment
Political Interest of Respondents aged 25 years