2025 Derogation Applications received & issued under Regulation 54 of the Habitats DirectiveHIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 and 54A of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and...
December 2024 - Derogation Applications received & issued under Regulation 54 & 54A of Habitats D...HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 and 54A of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and...
2024 - Derogation Applications received & issued under Regulation 54 & 54A of Habitats Directive.HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 and 54A of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and...
2023 - Derogation applications received & issued under Regulation 54 of the Habitats DirectiveHIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and plant)...
List of Derogations received and issued to end of November 2024HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 and 54A of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and...
EnvironmentThe County Roscommon Graveyard Survey was carried out in 2005 on behalf of County Roscommon Heritage Forum, The aim of the survey was to identify, MAP and create a database of basic information on every graveyard or burial ground in the county – including those no longer or...
EnvironmentThe County Roscommon Graveyard Survey was carried out in 2005 on behalf of County Roscommon Heritage Forum, The aim of the survey was to identify, MAP and create a database of basic information on every graveyard or burial ground in the county – including those no longer or...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains spatial data from a 2010 survey of Roscommon's habitats. The survey was conducted by RPS in July 2010 on behalf of Roscommon County Council and in association with the Heritage Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language:...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains spatial data from a 2010 survey of Roscommon's habitats. The survey was conducted by RPS in July 2010 on behalf of Roscommon County Council and in association with the Heritage Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language:...
This dataset compliments the ‘An Assessment of Thatching Needs in County Roscommon’ survey carried out by Fidelma Mullane, for Roscommon County Council. Published in October 2009. For this study, thirty-one structures with thatch or with previously thatched roofs were...
EnvironmentThe County Roscommon Graveyard Survey was carried out in 2005 on behalf of County Roscommon Heritage Forum, The aim of the survey was to identify, MAP and create a database of basic information on every graveyard or burial ground in the county – including those no longer or...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains spatial data from a 2010 survey of Roscommon's habitats. The survey was conducted by RPS in July 2010 on behalf of Roscommon County Council and in association with the Heritage Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language:...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains spatial data from a 2010 survey of Roscommon's habitats. The survey was conducted by RPS in July 2010 on behalf of Roscommon County Council and in association with the Heritage Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language:...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains spatial data from a 2010 survey of Roscommon's habitats. The survey was conducted by RPS in July 2010 on behalf of Roscommon County Council and in association with the Heritage Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language:...
This dataset contains spatial data from a 2017 survey of the wetlands of Roscommon and Longford. Only wetlands in Roscommon are included in this dataset. The survey was a joint initiative of Longford County Council, Roscommon County Council, and Wetland Surveys Ireland. The...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains spatial data from a 2017 survey of the wetlands of Roscommon and Longford. Only wetlands in Roscommon are included in this dataset. The survey was a joint initiative of Longford County Council, Roscommon County Council, and Wetland Surveys Ireland. The...
This dataset contains spatial data from a 2010 survey of Roscommon's habitats. The survey was conducted by RPS in July 2010 on behalf of Roscommon County Council and in association with the Heritage Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language:...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains spatial data from a 2017 survey of the wetlands of Roscommon and Longford. Only wetlands in Roscommon are included in this dataset. The survey was a joint initiative of Longford County Council, Roscommon County Council, and Wetland Surveys Ireland. The...
EnvironmentThe County Roscommon Graveyard Survey was carried out in 2005 on behalf of County Roscommon Heritage Forum, The aim of the survey was to identify, MAP and create a database of basic information on every graveyard or burial ground in the county – including those no longer or...
The County Roscommon Graveyard Survey was carried out in 2005 on behalf of County Roscommon Heritage Forum, The aim of the survey was to identify, MAP and create a database of basic information on every graveyard or burial ground in the county – including those no longer or...