Christmas Tree Recycling 2025 1st Jan -16th Jan 2025 Balbriggan/Rush/Lusk (Enquiries –Operations Depot,email: Balswoparea@fingal.ie Bath Road Car Park, BalbrigganBarnageeragh Carpark, Balbriggan RoadHayestown Open Space, RushOrlynn Park Entrance, Access from Dublin Road,...
EnergyThis data set contains mapping and listing of Public Litter Bins within Fingal County Council shown on a map with each bin been a point which shows bin type and location. The style type Dome/Pigeon Hole and Dog Bins as per the Administrative Area of Fingal County Council.
The majority of the bring banks are available to use on a seven-day basis. However, please only use the bring banks between the hours of 8.00am to 10.00pm, to avoid causing disturbance to local residents. Most bring bank location have three types of recycling containers...
Green-Schools, known internationally as Eco-Schools, is an environmental education programme run by An Taisce in partnership with local authorities. It promotes long-term, whole-school action for the environment. There are approximately 253 Dublin City Council schools...
This data contains the Tonnage of materials recycled in Fingal via Green Bin/Recycling Center's/Bring Banks and WEEE collection in 2028 and 2009 this is historical data. See other data sets in relation to recycling and Waste Recycling TextilesRecycling GlassEntry of Vehicle...
An Taisce, in co-operation with the Local Authorities, run the national Green Schools 9-flag program. Schools carry out a number of tasks, run educational programs and environmental projects which are incorporated into everyday school-life. The themes are: Litter & Waste...
Weather Data from Schools across Fingal County Council is been made available on NASA's GLOBE Project online since December 2022 Since 2021, schools across Fingal have been receiving automatic weather stations as part of an effort by Fingal County Council to produce more...
GovernmentThis is an interactive interactive Map of the followingWifi Entaties in Fingal County Council. Small Census Area 2011TownlandsElectoral DivisionCounty BoundaryClick each layer to see individually or a whole
GovernmentThis is an interactive interactive Map of the followingWifi Entaties in Fingal County Council. Small Census Area 2011TownlandsElectoral DivisionCounty BoundaryClick each layer to see individually or a whole
Electric Vehicle charging facilities owned by Fingal County Council. This data set list refers only to chargers available to the public which are owned and managed by Fingal County Council. Fingal Fleet have Electrical Points and Chargers in all the Fingal County Council...
This is an interactive interactive Map of the followingWifi Entaties in Fingal County Council. Small Census Area 2011TownlandsElectoral DivisionCounty BoundaryClick each layer to see individually or a whole
Recycling Bring Centers - Civic Amenities Bring Centers within Fingal County Council Administrative Area. This data set has the longitude and latitude of the centers and Eircode and Contact Numbers.Coolmine Recycling Center/Bring CenterEstuary Recycling Center/Bring Center...
This is an interactive interactive Map of the followingWifi Entaties in Fingal County Council. Small Census Area 2011TownlandsElectoral DivisionCounty BoundaryClick each layer to see individually or a whole
GovernmentThis is an interactive interactive Map of the followingWifi Entaties in Fingal County Council. Small Census Area 2011TownlandsElectoral DivisionCounty BoundaryClick each layer to see individually or a whole
Annual South Dublin Display Energy Certs 2021 for all Council buildings over 250 m2 which are regularly visited by the public.
GovernmentThis is an interactive interactive Map of the followingWifi Entaties in Fingal County Council. Small Census Area 2011TownlandsElectoral DivisionCounty BoundaryClick each layer to see individually or a whole