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None: Environemnt

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    This data set contains the number of Waste Complaints Lodged in Fingal County Council in 2022 up to end of  2024. This shows the number time that the complaints were investigated by our Waste Enforcement Officers till completed to the standards set down under the Waste...
    Environmental Awareness (AIE) The Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts operate alongside the AIE Regulations so that people can gain access to environmental information under both the FOI Acts and the AIE Regulations. If you wish to access personal information held by the Council...
    The data in this is Dog Licensee's that shows the number of annual and Lifetime License's purchased in Fingal County Council. A yearly License costs €20 and a Lifetime License costs €140. We will continue to promote the requirement for a Dog License. It is a legal...
    This Data set show the amount of Vehicles using the Coolmine Recycling Centre for 2020 to 2024 which is now closed and see the new data set Recycling Centre Coolmine Vehicular Data 2025-2027_FCC Coolmine Recycling Centre/Bring Centre Please look at our web page for up to...
    This data set contains the Register of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) completed in Fingal County Council Administrative area  This database contains location and description information for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) installed as per final drainage...
  • The Large Capacity Solar Bins have been rolled out by Fingal County Council, to keep waste enclosed and it keeps the chances of littering from bins waste been pulled out as it is all fully enclosed, this also helps the Environment as cuts down on attracting vermin to bins....
    This data set contains the details of textile recycling achieved in the Fingal County Council Administrative Area for 2022 to date updated quarterly. Textile waste isn't just a matter of Landfill Space and Waste for Social and Environmental Justice, its a good thing to do for...
    Individuals are entitled request access to information on the environment that is held by a public body. This right comes from Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament, the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 133 of...
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