EnvironmentSeaRover2019 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland (Marine Institute, Ireland) underwater video files collected during SeaRover 2019 research cruise onboard RV Celtic Explorer between 1-21 August 2019. SeaRover stands for Sensitive Ecosystem Assessment and ROV Exploration of...
EnvironmentThis XL table was created to summarise main information about 52 underwater video transects (incl. collection date, start and end position and time for each ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) dive, summary of geo-biological observations, number of collected seabed samples)...
EnvironmentSeaRover2018 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland (Marine Institute, Ireland) underwater video files collected during SeaRover 2018 research cruise onboard Irish Lights Vessel Granuaile between 2 July 2018 - 22 July 2018. SeaRover stands for Sensitive Ecosystem Assessment...
EnvironmentThis XL table was created to summarise main information about 52 underwater video transects (incl. collection date, start and end position and time for each ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) dive, summary of geo-biological observations, number of collected seabed samples)...
SeaRover2018 ROV Dive Transects Shapefile "SeaRover2018_Lines.shp" (showing location of ROV Holland dives and linking all related data) ROV Holland (Marine Institute, Ireland) underwater video data collected during SeaRover 2018 research cruise onboard Irish Lights Vessel...
SeaRover2018 ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) Deep Water Reef Habitat & Species Video Analysis report produced by Giulia La Bianca, Rebecca Ross and Kerry Howell (University of Plymouth) and Commissioned by Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway. This report...
EnvironmentThis XL table was created to summarise main information about 50 underwater video transects (incl. collection date, start and end position and time for each ROV dive, summary of geo-biological observations, number of collected seabed samples) collected with ROV Holland onboard...
SeaRover 2017 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland videos exported at 1080 resolution.EnvironmentSeaRover2017 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland (Marine Institute, Ireland) underwater video files collected during SeaRover 2017 research cruise onboard Irish Lights Vessel Granuaile between 4 July 2017 - 21 July 2017. SeaRover stands for Sensitive Ecosystem Assessment...
Microsoft XL table listing Commercial Seabed Samples and PSA (particle size analysis) results for...EnvironmentMicrosoft XL table with coordinates in UTM29N and PSA (particle size analysis) results suitable for GIS integration for commercial seabed sediment samples collected onboard RV Celtic Explorer and RV Celtic Voyager between 2008-2011. None
This shapefile is based on a seabed sediment sample database of samples collected by INSS, INFOMAR and related surveys, including ADFish, DCU, FEAS, GATEWAYS, IMAGIN, IMES, INIS_HYRDO, JIBS, MESH, SCALLOP, SEAI, SEI, UCC. Where available, the results of particle size analysis...
EMFF Offshore Reef Survey, Sensitive Ecosystem Assessment and ROV Exploration of Reef - SeaRover ...EnvironmentO'Sullivan D., Healy L., & Leahy Y. (2019). EMFF Offshore Reef Survey, Sensitive Ecosystem Assessment and ROV Exploration of Reef - SeaRover 2019 Cruise Report. Cruise Report prepared by INFOMAR, the Marine Institute, Ireland and the National Parks and Wildlife Service for...
EMFF Offshore Reef Survey, Sensitive Ecosystem Assessment and ROV Exploration of Reef - SeaRover ...EnvironmentO'Sullivan D., Leahy Y. & Healy L. (2018). EMFF Offshore Reef Survey, Sensitive Ecosystem Assessment and ROV Exploration of Reef - SeaRover 2018 Cruise Report. Cruise Report prepared by INFOMAR, the Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland and the National Parks and Wildlife...
Composite interpretation logs (XL) for 50 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland underwater vide...EnvironmentComposite interpretation logs in Microsoft XL format for each of the ROV Holland (Marine Institute, Ireland) underwater video dive tracks collected during SeaRover 2017 research cruise onboard Irish Lights Vessel Granuaile between 4 July 2017 - 21 July 2017. SeaRover stands...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains 23 video files exported at full HD 720 resolution for underwater video transects collected with ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland onboard RV Celtic Explorer during CE15011 research cruise between 15-26 July 2015. A problem with navigation was...
CE15011 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland videos exported at 1080 resolution.EnvironmentThis dataset contains 23 video files exported at full HD 1080 resolution for underwater video transects collected with ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland onboard RV Celtic Explorer during CE15011 research cruise between 15-26 July 2015. A problem with navigation was...
CE14011 (SORBEH) ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland videos exported at 1080 resolution.EnvironmentThis dataset contains 12 video files exported at full HD 1080 resolution for underwater video transects collected with ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland onboard RV Celtic Explorer during CE14011 (SORBEH) research cruise between 14-27 July 2014. This survey aimed to...
This dataset contains 4 video files exported at HD 720 resolution for underwater video transects collected onboard RV Celtic Explorer during CE0915 research cruise between 1-21 September 2009. The attribute table of the corresponding shapefile contains links to video footage...
The Argo Float 6901933 was deployed on 28/05/2019 at 53.0449 N, -15.502 W. The most current measurement was taken on 03/09/2024. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6901932 was deployed on 29/05/2019 at 53.075 N, -15.881 W. The most current measurement was taken on 04/09/2024. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6901928 was deployed on 18/02/2018 at 53.2342 N, -15.6503 W. The most current measurement was taken on 01/09/2024. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...