EnvironmentGeographical start point for the river network analysis. Identifies the freshwater starting point which extends up to the limit of anadromy (barrier or confluence with 1st Order stream). McGinnity, P.,Gargan, P.,Roche, W., Mills, P. & McGarrigle, M. 2003. Quantification...
EnvironmentAll rivers within the EPA river network, accessible to salmon and likely to sea trout. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide high quality scientific advice to inform the sustainable management of salmon fisheries in...
This map presents charter angling skippers fishing areas falling within 100km2 grids based on ICES boxes Ecoregions VIa, VIIa, VIIb, VIIj2, VIIb (ICES Ecoregions) up to a range of 100km off the Irish coast. The areas identified tend to be fished regularly and consistently by...
Information on fish kills have been compiled and reported annually since 1969 by the Inland Fisheries Trust (formerly the Central and Regional Fisheries Boards and now Inland Fisheries Ireland) and Marine Institute (formerly Fisheries Research Centre). The authors collated all...
The survey classifies hydromorphological condition using WFD nomenclature: High, Good, Moderate, Poor, Bad. Its typical use is to support the designation of high ecological status sites. Other applications of the RHAT method include assessing hydromorphological pressures,...
Polygon dataset representing the 17 IFI fishery districts. A district licence allows for angling in one fishery district. Please note that areas covered by the Loughs Agency are not included in this dataset. For more information, please visit the following link: Foyle Area...
EnvironmentThe Technical Expert Group on Salmon (TEGOS) assesses the status of stocks annually in designated salmon rivers and issues associated catch advice for the following season using data from salmon angling and commercial catch records, fish counters and other sources to determine...
GovernmentVersion: Q3 2023Release Date: 20/11/2023 (Date of Live publication)Release Notes: Quarterly data refresh.Spatial Reference: Irish Transverse Mercator Description: All sites shown within the “PRA State Assets” layer are folios sourced from searching the PRAI database and are...
Version: Q3 2023Release Date: 20/11/2023 (Date of Live publication)Release Notes: Quarterly data refresh.Spatial Reference: Irish Transverse Mercator Description: All sites shown within the “PRA State Assets” layer are folios sourced from searching the PRAI database and are...
GovernmentVersion: Q3 2023Release Date: 20/11/2023 (Date of Live publication)Release Notes: Quarterly data refresh.Spatial Reference: Irish Transverse Mercator Description: All sites shown within the “PRA State Assets” layer are folios sourced from searching the PRAI database and are...
Beyond the 12-nautical-mile (22 km) limit, there is a further 12 nautical miles (22 km) from the territorial sea baseline limit, the contiguous zone, in which a state can continue to enforce laws in four specific areas: customs, taxation, immigration and pollution, if the...
EnvironmentTerritorial waters or a territorial sea, as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,[1] is a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state. The...
This collection activity describes the weather station associated with the tide gauge at Galway Port, Co. Galway, Ireland. The weather station was deployed in May 2024 and data collection is currently ongoing. There are 2 Gill GMX 500 weather station units installed at the...
EnvironmentDeployment of a tide gauge at a site in Dingle (52° 8.3322' N, -11° 43.3302' W) on 14/11/2017. The purpose of this activity is as part of the Irish National Tide Gauge Network which provides real-time data and freely available tidal predictions to operational activities (flood...
EnvironmentDeployment of a tide gauge at a site in Kilrush (52° 37.9156' N, -10° 29.8604' W) on 01/12/2016. The purpose of this activity is as part of the Irish National Tide Gauge Network which provides real-time data and freely available tidal predictions to operational activities...
Tide Gauge Deployment - TGN_15 - Castletownbere Tide Gauge from December 2006 - PresentEnvironmentDeployment of a tide gauge at a site in Castletownbere (51° 38.9838' N, -10° 5.78772' W) on 05/12/2006. The purpose of this activity is as part of the Irish National Tide Gauge Network which provides real-time data and freely available tidal predictions to operational...
Tide Gauge Deployment - TGN_14 - Ballycotton Harbour Tide Gauge from August 2010 - PresentEnvironmentDeployment of a tide gauge at a site in Ballycotton Harbour (51° 49.688' N, -9° 59.9519' W) on 13/08/2010. The purpose of this activity is as part of the Irish National Tide Gauge Network which provides real-time data and freely available tidal predictions to operational...
Deployment of a tide gauge at a site in Wexford (52° 20.31' N, -7° 32.466' W) on 13/04/2007. The purpose of this activity is as part of the Irish National Tide Gauge Network which provides real-time data and freely available tidal predictions to operational activities (flood...
Tide Gauge Deployment - TGN_22 - Dublin Port Tide Gauge from February 2007 - PresentEnvironmentDeployment of a tide gauge at a site in Dublin Port (53° 20.7444' N, -7° 47.0016' W) on 13/02/2007. The purpose of this activity is as part of the Irish National Tide Gauge Network which provides real-time data and freely available tidal predictions to operational activities...
EnvironmentDeployment of a tide gauge at a site in Howth (53° 23.5312' N, -7° 55.9194' W) on 25/10/2006. The purpose of this activity is as part of the Irish National Tide Gauge Network which provides real-time data and freely available tidal predictions to operational activities (flood...