The Integrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland's MArine Resource (INFOMAR) Sub...EnvironmentThe Integrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland's MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme is a joint venture between the Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI). The Magnetometer dataset is an auxillary dataset that measures the magnetic...
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Marine Institute Ireland Water Chemistry Research Vessel Surveys North East Atlantic Ocean 1990 -...EnvironmentTwo annual ship surveys are undertaken by the Chemistry Section of the Marine Institute Ireland - the Winter Environmental Survey (WES) on board the RV Celtic Voyager and The Ocean Climate Survey on board the RV Celtic Explorer. The WES circumnavigates the Island of Ireland...
An aerial survey of harbour and grey seals in Ireland: Part 2: Galway Bay to Carlingford LoughEnvironmentOn August and September 2012, the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) of the University of St Andrews carried out an aerial survey of moulting harbour seals (Phoca vitulina, also known as common seals) in the west, south-west, south and east of Ireland, between Galway Bay and...
Harbour porpoise surveys in Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC, 2020EnvironmentA visual survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC between June and September 2020 in order to derive local density and abundance estimates. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried out according to a...
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Harbour porpoise surveys in Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC, 2015EnvironmentA visual survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in 2015 in the Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC in order to derive local density and abundance estimates. Static Acoustic Monitoring (SAM) through the deployment of C-PODs was carried out at two sites...
Bottlenose Dolphin Survey Lower River Shannon cSAC, 2010EnvironmentA population assessment of the bottlenose dolphins in the Lower River Shannon candidate SAC was undertaken between July and October 2010. Dolphins were located on each transect. During 12 transects a total of 64 dolphin groups were encountered with 547 individuals recorded....
Harbour porpoise surveys in the Blasket Islands SAC, 2018EnvironmentA set of visual surveys for Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in the Blasket Islands SAC in order to derive local density and abundance estimates. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried out according to a standardised design on six days between...
Harbour porpoise surveys in Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC, 2021EnvironmentIn order to contribute to the Department Housing, Local Government & Heritage (DHLGH) site management and surveillance, visual monitoring of harbour porpoises was carried out in Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC during the summer of 2021. This was the third dedicated line...
Boat-based Visual Surveys for Bottlenose Dolphins in the West Connacht Coast SAC in 2021EnvironmentVisual surveys for bottlenose dolphins were carried out between June and August 2021 in the West Connacht Coast SAC (Site Code 002998). This SAC was designated in 2013 with bottlenose dolphins as the sole qualifying interest. Dedicated line transects were carried out over...
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Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.EnvironmentA database of marine species of the seashore and seabed of the island of Ireland. Geographic Coverage: The coast of the island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: The data were collected from 1993 to 1996 Species Groups recorded: bacterium, horseshoe worm (Phoronida), bony fish...
EnvironmentConcurrent visual and acoustic surveys for cetaceans were carried out in two survey blocks in the Irish Sea to investigate species distribution, relative abundance and absolute abundance where possible. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried out in the northern...
EnvironmentA visual and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in 2013 at two Special Areas of Conservation (Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC, Co Dublin and Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC, Co Cork) in order to derive local...
Small Cetacean Site Survey Investigations 2008EnvironmentA survey of small cetaceans was carried out at three sites (Carnsore Point, Blasket Islands cSAC and Donegal bay) to derive density and abundance estimates using distance sampling. Single platform line transect surveys were carried out on three days at each between July and...
A survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out at five sites (North County Dublin, Dublin bay, Cork coast, Roaringwater bay cSAC and Galway bay) to derive density and abundance estimates. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried out on six days at...
Abundance estimate and acoustic monitoring of Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Blasket ...EnvironmentA survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out within the Blasket Islands candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) to derive density and abundance estimates and carry out static acoustic monitoring. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried...
Harbour porpoise surveys in Rocakbill to Dalkey Island SAC, 2016EnvironmentA visual survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in the summer of 2016 within the Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC, Co Dublin in order to derive local density and abundance estimates. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried out according to a...
The aim of this survey was to obtain a general overview of the maritime-related collections in Ireland, to ascertain the location, ownership, condition, overall theme, and nature of the contents of each collection. It is neither an inventory nor a full evaluation of the...