TransportThis is a listing of the Traffic Camera within Fingal County Council. These are used to monitor traffic issues and managed by a third party on behalf of Fingal County Council.
EnergyRecycling Bring Centers - Civic Amenities Bring Centers within Fingal County Council Administrative Area. This data set has the longitude and latitude of the centers and Eircode and Contact Numbers.Coolmine Recycling Center/Bring CenterEstuary Recycling Center/Bring Center...
This data set shows the shows the details of then number of paying Visitors to Newbridge Farm and booked rooms for parties, special occasions and it includes payed house tour visitors. Newbridge House is a Georgian Villa built to the design of James Gibbs in 1747 for the...
TransportThis data set contains Mapping and Listing of School Warning VAS Sings 2023 in Fingal County Council Administrative Area" Disclaimer - Please note that this data set is for citizen to be aware of the Location of Static VAS Sings and no data is available on the stats....
TransportAccessible Parking Spaces/Parking Bays within Fingal County Council Pay and Display Sections. This dataset outlines the Accessible Parking Spaces/Bays within the Fingal County Council Administrative Area within our managed Pay and Display Parking Service Areas with APOCA....
Education and SportInteractive Map of Fingal County Council Parks and Play Grounds within the Fingal County Council Administrative Area
Listing of Static Reduce Speed VAS signs in the Administrative area of Fingal County Council, these are in use to make drivers aware of their speed and no data is collected from these its for information purpose of locations see disclaimer below." Disclaimer - Please...
Dublin Canvas is a public art initiative that adds colour, throughout the Dublin region. Artists apply for and win commissions to design and deliver their art pieces on previously grey traffic control boxes. There are 628 boxes located throughout Dublin's Four Local Authority...
EnergyAn Taisce, in co-operation with the Local Authorities, run the national Green Schools 9-flag program. Schools carry out a number of tasks, run educational programs and environmental projects which are incorporated into everyday school-life. The themes are: Litter & Waste...
This Data set contains a map showing all Bike/Stands/Racks/Maintenance Stands within Fingal County Council as more have been added with funding released for sustainable transport in pre 2021 installations with data from 2021 to 2024 inclusive Some also issued to...
EnergyThe Large Capacity Solar Bins have been rolled out by Fingal County Council, to keep waste enclosed and it keeps the chances of littering from bins waste been pulled out as it is all fully enclosed, this also helps the Environment as cuts down on attracting vermin to bins....
SocietyLocation of Fingal Enterprise Centre's including contact information. Fingal County Council supports start-up businesses at it's Enterprise Centre's. The Centre’s provide: Enterprise units for new and existing businesses Customised training services Information and...
GovernmentAdministrative Boundaries on Map
GovernmentThis is an interactive interactive Map of the followingWifi Entaties in Fingal County Council. Small Census Area 2011TownlandsElectoral DivisionCounty BoundaryClick each layer to see individually or a whole
ArtsA list of public artworks within the Fingal County Council administrative area. Artworks include Sculptures and Murals and details of artist and mapping of locations of installations.
Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. This data set relates to Specific Objectives in the Development Plan 2017-2023 The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. It contains the following :- Architectural...
TransportZebra Crossing within Fingal County Council
This Data set contains a map showing all Bike/Stands/Racks/Maintenance Stands within Fingal County Council as more have been added with funding released for sustainable transport in pre 2021 installations with data from 2021-2022/2023Some also issued to Schools/Community...
ArtsPublic Libraries in Fingal County Council Administrative Area with Mapping and opening hours and facilities vary from library to library.
TransportThis is for information purposes only as no data is collected from these signs it to show the location and to make drivers aware of there speed and to drive accordingly. This is for information to the citizens under the open data licence. Information Purposes Only.