National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map - Ecosystem Service Stock Map: Marine CarbonEnvironmentThis dataset contains a raster file showing contribution to the regulation of greenhouse gases (carbon) through carbon sequestration associated with the marine environment. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for...
EnvironmentThe 14 day Celtic Explorer CE21003 cruise took place in March 2021 to collect high quality oceanographic data to contribute to the Atlantic Ocean Observing System. Physical Oceanography: During the CE21003 cruise, full water column CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth)...
Danger and Restricted areas that coincide with Marine or Coastal Areas onlyHousingThe Defence Organisation provides a broad range of marine security services; it also undertakes a diverse range of non-security related tasks in Irish waters and beyond. The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) as competent Authority has a Service Level Agreement with the...
EnvironmentpC02 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
CE0903 Marine Institute Celtic Explorer Oceanographic Survey North East Atlantic Ocean 2009EnvironmentIn order to begin to collect key oceanographic data two dedicated research cruises are conducted annually in the Irish region. The foundation of these cruises is the acquisition of oceanographic data such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence and ocean...
Cetacean Monitoring undertaken during the Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS) 2019EnvironmentA cetacean survey during the annual Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS), running from the 10th to the 28th of October 2019. A total of 204 sightings, were recorded throughout the survey. This includes 145 primary sightings, 38 sightings recorded as auxiliary sightings,...
The exclusive economic zone of the State is the area beyond and adjacent to the territorial seas subject to the specific legal regime established in Part V of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, done at Montego Bay on 10 December 1982, the text of which, in...
The exclusive economic zone of the State is the area beyond and adjacent to the territorial seas subject to the specific legal regime established in Part V of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, done at Montego Bay on 10 December 1982, the text of which, in...
EnvironmentTo survey seals around the coast of Ireland between August and September 2011. The coast from Lough Foyle to Galway Bay was surveyed during this aerial survey.
Cetacean Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS)...EnvironmentThe Western European Shelf Passive Acoustic Survey is an acoustic survey undertaken by the Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services (FEAS) Department of the Marine Institute of Ireland. The WESPAS provides a unique opportunity for surveillance of the summer distribution of...
GovernmentThe exclusive economic zone of the State is the area beyond and adjacent to the territorial seas subject to the specific legal regime established in Part V of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, done at Montego Bay on 10 December 1982, the text of which, in...
GovernmentThe territorial seas of the State is that portion of the sea which lies between the baseline and the outer limit of the territorial seas. The outer limit of the territorial seas is the line every point of which is at a distance of 12 nautical miles from the nearest point of...
Cetacean Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS)...EnvironmentThe Western European Shelf Passive Acoustic Survey is an acoustic survey undertaken by the Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services (FEAS) Department of the Marine Institute of Ireland. The WESPAS provides a unique opportunity for surveillance of the summer distribution of...
Aerial thermal imaging survey for Harbour seals, 2017 to 2018EnvironmentA helicopter survey carried out by the Sea Mammal Research Unit of the University of St Andrews to obtain abundance and distribution data on Harbour Seals and Grey Seals in Ireland during the Harbour Seal moult period (Aug-Sep), using thermal imaging and high resolution...
EnvironmentA single platform line-transect survey using distance sampling was carried out off the north coast of Ireland on 9 August 2012. Sea conditions were excellent throughout the survey with 100% of survey effort carried out in sea-state ≤3 and 63.5% in sea-state ≤1. A total of 178...
Cetacean Monitoring undertaken during the Mackerel Egg Survey (MEGS) June 2019EnvironmentThe Mackerel egg survey is undertaken every 3 years by the Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services (FEAS) department of the Marine Institute of Ireland as part of a series of international egg surveys co-ordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas...
Bottlenose dolphins in the Lower River Shannon SAC, 2022EnvironmentDedicated boat-based transects to visually survey bottlenose dolphins were carried out in the Lower River Shannon SAC (Site Code 002165) over twelve days on fixed, pre-determined routes between June and September 2022.
This dataset was created to ascertain the level of vulnerability to erosion processes along 7 coastal local authorities. . The dataset classifies the coast line into areas at High, Medium or Low risk based on the subsoil type along the coast at that point. The data was...
Harbour porpoise surveys in Blasket Islands SAC, 2022EnvironmentTo contribute to the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage (DHLGH) site management and surveillance effort, visual monitoring of harbour porpoises was carried out in the Blasket Islands SAC during the summer of 2022. This was the fifth dedicated line transect...
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