GovernmentGross Domestic Product and Gross National Product at 2014
NQQ28 - Gross Domestic Product at Constant Factor Cost (chain linked annually and referenced to 2...GovernmentGross Domestic Product at Constant Factor Cost (chain linked annually and referenced to 2014)
BAA05 - Activity of Private Building and Construction Firms with 20 or more Persons Engaged (New ...GovernmentActivity of Private Building and Construction Firms with 20 or more Persons Engaged (New Basis)
GovernmentGross Domestic Product and Gross National Product at 2013
BAA04 - Persons Engaged in Building and Construction Industry (1995 - 2005)GovernmentPersons Engaged in Building and Construction Industry (1995 - 2005)
Population 2011 to 2016
GovernmentPurchases in Building and Construction Industry (1995 - 2005)
EDA87 - Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) Programme Subject Provision and Take upHIGH VALUEDepartment of EducationGovernmentLeaving Certificate Applied (LCA) Programme Subject Provision and Take up
GovernmentSecond Level Schools and Pupils
GovernmentSecondary-School Students
GovernmentPupil in First Year of Junior Cycle
EDA52 - Entrants (1st October to 30th September) to Mainstream Classes in National SchoolHIGH VALUEDepartment of EducationGovernmentEntrants (1st October to 30th September) to Mainstream Classes in National School
GovernmentPupil -Teacher Ratio
GovernmentNationality of Pupils attending Primary School
GovernmentEstimated Migration (Persons in April)
GovernmentRetention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools
GovernmentMean and Median Annual Earnings
GovernmentMean and Median Annual Earnings
GovernmentMean and Median Annual Earnings