51 Results

None: flooding

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    Abstract: This dataset shows the Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions for the Wexford and Burrow Coastal Areas Potentially Vulnerable to Wave Overtopping (CAPOs). Joint probability water level and wave climate condition tables have been produced...
    Abstract: This data shows the embankments forming part of Drainage Districts. Embankments are walls of soil or sods that were constructed to protect low lying ground from flooding (not properties). Drains and sluices or pumps were also provided to take away rainwater that fell...
    Abstract: This data shows the land that was drained as part of the Drainage District. The original maps also identified other land owned by the same landowner so as to calculate the appropriate charge for maintenance. Drainage Districts were carried out by the Commissioners of...
    Abstract: This data shows the watercourses forming part of Drainage Districts. Drainage Districts were carried out by the Commissioners of Public Works under a number of drainage and navigation acts from 1842 to the 1930s to improve land for agriculture and to mitigate...
    Abstract: This data shows Land Commision (LC) Benefiting Areas associated with the works carried out by landowners typically in the 19th century, that individual landowners have a responsibility to maintain. The benefited lands identifies land that was drained as part of the...
    Abstract: This data shows Land Commision (LC) Embankments constructed by landowners typically in the 19th century, that individual land owners have a responsibility to maintain. These are man made raised structures of natural materials, constructed to protect low lying ground...
    Abstract: The Office of Public Works (OPW) is responsible for leading and co-ordinating the implementation of localised flood relief schemes to provide flood protection for cities, towns and villages, either directly or in association with relevant Local Authorities. This data...
    This dataset contains a raster file showing the contribution of land to flood control, through its ability to temporarily store water. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for a set of services prioritised through...
    Abstract: This data shows real-time water level data for water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network for the last five weeks. Water level data is collected using data loggers. A data logger digitally records the water level at set time intervals...
    Abstract: This data shows the latest readings available for water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Also, it has the latest list of valid stations. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric...
    Abstract: This data shows the co-ordinates, station name & station reference number of water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.
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