Education and SportSDCC GAA Pitches within SDCC County. Polygon data identifying location, type, area and number included.
This data represents water quality of a selection of river and stream sites in South Dublin County. The samples are collected at a monthly frequency and are collected by South Dublin County Council staff and analysed by Dublin City Council’s accredited laboratory on Marrowbone...
Council operated allotments located within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. The Council operates allotments at two locations in the County. At Goatstown, the Parks Service manage allotments which are provided on lands reserved for the construction...
Education and SportOutdoor concrete skateparks within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. The location of two skateparks with further information including name, address and ITM coordinates.
Education and SportLocations of public drinking water fountains provided by South Dublin County, Fingal County and Dublin City Councils across the Dublin Region. Water Stations Ireland are contracted to provide the smart water fountains which also measure usage, consumption, etc and communicate...
Dataset of Dublin City Council public toilets in the Dublin City Council administrative area. Data fields include location description, opening hours and coordinates. Listing created May 2021. For further details see: https://www.dublincity.ie/publictoilets
Education and SportParks and recreation/ amenity spaces in the Dublin City Council administrative area. Dataset stems from a 2016 mapping exercise for the Dublin City Council Parks Strategy and has not been updated since. Data includes name of park/ open space, category, location, size and...