The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. A new WFD lake catchment layer was created in 2022. New lake catchments were delineated for every WFD lake from the...
This dataset contains the status results for lake waterbodies (LWB) and status assigned to unmonitored WFD LWBs as part of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) with the objectives to achieve or maintain at least good ecological status and good chemical status
The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. A new lake catchment layer of unnested WFD lake catchments was delineated in 2022. For every WFD lake water body, an...
This table contains all the River Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI no. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at present...
Where agricultural measures are needed to restore water quality, the Subbasin are highlighted with one or more coloured flags to indicate the types of water quality issues associated with that Subbasin: Red (potential point source), Orange (nitrate losses) and/or Navy...
This dataset contains status results based on the assessment of groundwater chemical and quantitative figures in Ireland. This is drawn from representative monitoring points selected specifically for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) groundwater monitoring programme.
This dataset contains all the Coastal Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI No. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at...
This table contains the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Canal Waterbody Ecological Potential results for 2016-2021. The data used were primarily from 2019 to 2021. The WFD objectives include the attainment of good ecological potential in waterbodies that are of lesser status...
This map shows those areas where radon tests are required in workplaces. These areas are shown in red. This map is based on the radon risk map of Ireland. It is based on an analysis of indoor radon measurements plus geological information including, bedrock type, quaternary...
This dataset contains all the Transitional Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI no. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at...
This dataset demonstrates the location name and area of bogs licensed for the extraction of peat by Bord na Mona under nine separate licences.
The Air Quality Index for Health (AQIH) is comprised of 6 regions as follows: Dublin, Cork, Large Towns (>15,000), Small Towns (5,000 – 15,000), Rural East and Rural West. The AQIH is calculated on an hourly basis using representative sampling from each region. Each region...
Register of Protected Areas - Shellfish Areas Groundwater Waterbodies (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. WFD Groundwater waterbodies intersecting with Designated Shellfish Zones under S.I. No. 55/2009 European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters) (Amendment) Regulations 2009
Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Rivers (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. These nutrient sensitive areas are those river waters listed in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Waste Water Treatment and...
Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Areas River Waterbodies (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. WFD River Waterbodies intersecting with designated Nutrient Sensitive Areas waterbodies in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban...
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Site Specific Conservation Objectives for EU Annex 1 Habita...EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. Conservation objectives for Natura 2000 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) have to be set for the habitats and species for which the sites...
This data delineates areas with an indication of increased potential risk to groundwater supplies from DWWTS. This is based on interpreting mapped geological information to determine areas where there is increased likelihood of inadequate treatment of the waste water by the...
This polygon file contains river catchments in which live pearl mussels have been recorded. The catchment limits are based on sub-basin boundaries from the EPA Water Framework Directive geodatabase (filename: EPA_WFD_v3.mdb), and catchments are divided up into three...
EnvironmentThe Medium towns of Republic of Ireland based on 2002 Central Statistics Office (CSO) town density data for the ROI.
Register of Protected Areas - SAC Conservation Objective Habitat Groundwater bodies (WFD RBMP Cyc...EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. WFD Groundwater bodies intersecting with Designated Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Conservation Objective Habitats under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds...