Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions (ICWWS 2018 – Phase 2)EnvironmentAbstract: This dataset shows the shoreline combined wave climate and water level conditions for the Coastal Areas Potentially Vulnerable to Wave Overtopping (CAPOs) that were included in Phase 2 of the Irish Coastal Wave and Water Level Modelling Study (ICWWS 2018). Joint...
Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions (Galway City CWWS 2020)EnvironmentAbstract: This dataset shows the Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions for the Galway Coastal Area Potentially Vulnerable to Wave Overtopping (CAPOs). Joint probability water level and wave climate condition tables have been produced for the...
Focused Delivery Flow Paths are the areas of converging runoff that results in an increasing accumulation of flow. It is important to consider the available source of phosphorus in these contributing areas when deciding whether to target measures (check the underlying PIP-CSA...
Focused Flow Delivery Points are where Focused Flow Paths enter a watercourse. The size of the point indicates the relative volume of flow delivered to water. This map was created from outputs from the EPA DiffuseTools Research Project.
Nitrate Critical Source Area (CSA) are where there is a source of N from agricultural areas and the land is susceptible to losses. This ‘High PIP’ (Rank 1, 2 or 3) is typically due to the presence of freely draining soils and moderate/high livestock intensity. Target these...
Phosphorus Critical Source Area (CSA) are where there is a diffuse source of P from agricultural areas and the land is susceptible to losses. This ‘High PIP’ (Rank 1, 2 or 3) is typically due to the presence of poorly draining soils and moderate/high livestock intensity....
EnvironmentThis dataset was developed for the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018 – 2021 (second cycle River Basin Management Plan). The Areas for Action are areas where action will be carried out in the second cycle. The data consists of polygon geometry representing the...
Sub-bottom profile data shows the rock features and the sediment layers that are below the seabed. A sub-bottom profile is created by sending sound waves from the vessel to the seabed. The length of time it takes for these sound wave to return from the seabed to the vessel is...
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions (ICWWS 2018 – Phase 3)EnvironmentAbstract: This dataset shows the Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions for the Coastal Areas Potentially Vulnerable to Wave Overtopping (CAPOs) that were included in Phase 3 of the Irish Coastal Wave and Water Level Modelling Study (ICWWS 2018)....
National Coastal Extreme Water Level Estimation Points (ICWWS 2018 – Phase 1)HIGH VALUEOffice of Public WorksEnvironmentThis dataset provides an estimate of extreme water levels around the coast of Ireland for a range of Annual Exceedance Probabilities (AEPs). Extreme water level estimates are provided for present day sea levels as well as the Mid-Range Future Scenario (MRFS), High End Future...
EnvironmentWater Framework Directive (WFD) Canal Waterbodies are the management and reporting units for the WFD. This is a polyline shapefile dataset which is formed from a Waterways Ireland Canal Polygon dataset and river network dataset. These canal waterbodies are also included in the...
This table contains the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Canal Waterbody Ecological Potential results for 2013-2018. The data used were primarily from 2016 to 2018. The WFD objectives include the attainment of good ecological potential in waterbodies that are of lesser status...
EnvironmentWater Framework Directive (WFD) Canal Waterbodies are the management and reporting units for the WFD. This is a polyline shapefile dataset which is formed from a Waterways Ireland Canal Polygon dataset and river network dataset. These canal waterbodies are also included in the...
EnvironmentThis table contains all the Canal Waterbody Risk results from the characterisation assessment carried out by Waterways Ireland in for the River Basin Management Plan 2018-2021. It was prepared using canal monitoring data for the period 2010 to 2016. The assessment was carried...
EnvironmentThis table contains all the Canal Waterbody Risk results from the characterisation assessment carried out by Waterways Ireland in for the River Basin Management Plan 2018-2021. It was prepared using canal monitoring data for the period 2010 to 2016. The assessment was carried...
EnvironmentThis polygon dataset shows canals managed by Waterways Ireland. Waterways Ireland is one of six North/South Implementation Bodies established under the British-Irish Agreement of 1998. It is the cross-border navigational authority responsible for the management, maintenance,...
This table contains the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Canal Waterbody Ecological Potential results for 2010-2015. The data used were primarily from 2013 to 2015. The WFD objectives include the attainment of good ecological potential in waterbodies that are of lesser status...
Water Framework Directive (WFD) Coastal Waterbody unit within Irish waters. According to the WFD Article 2(7) “‘Coastal water’ means surface water on the landward side of a line, every point of which is at a distance of one nautical mile on the seaward side from the nearest...