Government2002 Population
Government2002 Population
Government2002 Population
Government2002 Population
B0902 - 2002 Population Usually Resident in the State at each Census Since 1981Government2002 Population Usually Resident in the State at each Census Since 1981
B0901 - 2002 Population Usually Resident in the State at each Census Since 1981Government2002 Population Usually Resident in the State at each Census Since 1981
Government2002 Population
2002 Carers Aged 15 Years and Over
Labour force participation rate
2002 Carers Aged 15 and Over
2002 Carers Aged 15 Years and Over
Government2002 Population
2002 Carers Aged 15 Years and Over
2002 Carers Usually Resident and Present in the State
2002 Carers Aged 15 and Over
2002 Carers Aged 15 and Over
2002 Carers Aged 15 and Over
2002 Carers Aged 15 and Over
B1040 - 2002 Population with a Disability in Private Households in Permanent Housing UnitsGovernment2002 Population with a Disability in Private Households in Permanent Housing Units
2002 Population Aged 15 Years and Over