EnvironmentThe Irish Deepwater Survey (IDS) collected trawl survey record of fish and other species collected from trawls carried out during specified purpose surveys on board the RV Celtic Explorer. Data were collected in pre-assigned survey areas and depths designed to complement...
EnvironmentCeltic Seas Offshore habitats classified to EUNIS habitat classification. The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system to facilitate the harmonised description and collection of data across Europe through the use of criteria for habitat...
EnvironmentMarine Institute daily oceanographic model of particle transport probability at the surface, 20m and bottom of the water column in Bantry Bay and Mizen Head. Data attribute structure includes time, release location, longitude, latitude, particle hours and particle track.
EnvironmentA tidal atlas or a tidal stream atlas is used to predict the direction and speed of tidal currents. A tidal atlas usually consists of a set of 12 or 13 diagrams, one for each hour of the tidal cycle, for a coastal region. Each diagram uses arrows to indicate the direction of...
EnvironmentMultibeam echosounder data and seabed sampling data acquired during the INFOMAR and INSS national seabed mapping programmes were the primary sources of data used in the generation of this Collated Seabed Substrate layer. The original classes assigned to the data were...
EnvironmentGreencastle Codling Protected Area located north-east of the Inishowen peninsula. The zone represents a periodically closed Fishery Exclusion Area under an SI as part of the Greencastle Codling Project run by Marine Institute and BIM with local industry.
Sea surface temperature is collected via permanent scientific equipment on board the MI research vessel RV Lough Beltra. Data includes temperature from the hull mounted sensor known as 'Hull Sea Temperature' and temperature/salinity from the temperature sensor known as...
EnvironmentCTD or Conductivity Temperature Depth stations measure temperature, conductivity and depth of the water column at various depths from the surface to within 10m of the seafloor. A CTD is the oceanographic instrument used to determine the conductivity, temperature, and depth of...
The diadromous fish census is based on the permanent fish traps at the Salmon Leap and Mill Race in the Burrishoole catchment Newport Co. Mayo. The following parameters are measured: Wild Spring Fish quantity and comments, Wild Grilse quantity and comments, Wild Previous...
EnvironmentThis dataset shows spawning and nursery grounds of commercially important species, in particular: Hake, Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Atlantic Cod, Herring, Haddock, Megrim, Blue Whiting, Black Belly Angler Monkfish, White Belly Angler Monkfish and Whiting. Spawning area,...
EnvironmentThe data indicates the location of net fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon (Area_M2),...
EnvironmentAcoustic surveys have been generally carried out on spawning and pre-spawning aggregations of fish. Outside of the spawning season many pelagic species have been generally very scattered over a large geographical area and difficult to detect using acoustic methods. A cruise...
The Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) shellfish inshore Production Area are administrative units used for reporting purposes in the management, collection and analysis of shellfish and phytoplankton sample data. The inshore production areas cover an area of the coastline of the...
The location offshore wells drilled in the Irish offshore area. Offshore wells cover the Irish Exclusive Economic Zone including the Irish Sea, Saint Georges Channel, Celtic Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Offshore wells recorded between 1970 and 2019 available with this...
EnvironmentData indicates the location for pot fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon (Area_M2), and...
EnvironmentIrish Groundfish Survey shot and haul stations. The Irish Groundfish Survey covers fisheries trawl stations in the North Atlantic Ocean, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea and Saint Georges Channel around Ireland. The Irish Groundfish Survey has been a two-legged survey taking place each...
Petroleum Exploration Production Current Authorisations Onshore and Offshore IrelandEnvironmentThis dataset identifies the location of current petroleum exploration and production authorisations as issued by the Minister for the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment under the Petroleum and Other Minerals Development Act, 1960. Authorisation types...
EnvironmentRainfall sensors are currently deployed around the Burrishoole catchment to ensure maximum spatial coverage of rainfall variation. Data measured are mm of rain. Data coverage is for Furnace Newport Co. Mayo. Rainfall data collected since 1996. Rainfall data has been collected...
EnvironmentWaverider buoys have collected observations and measurements on wave characteristics including wave height and period statistics. Waverider buoys are located in the Galway Bay 1/4 Scale Test Site and the Full Scale Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS) located off the Erris...
EnvironmentKenmare river Infralittoral Habitats classified to EUNIS habitat classification. The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system to facilitate the harmonised description and collection of data across Europe through the use of criteria for habitat...