This survey was carried out by the Marine Institute and National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) in May 2008 on board the R.V. Celtic Explorer along the Irish Continental Shelf . It was a collaborative multi-disciplinary research effort between the Earth and Ocean...
This multidisciplinary survey took place over two legs in January 2013, led by the Marine Institute. The cruise incorporates physical, chemical and biological data gathering. The first leg of the survey focused on the recovery of the PAP 1 weather buoy owned by UK Met...
EnvironmentSALSEA-Merge was a three year scientific project to investigate the migration and distribution of salmon in the North-East Atlantic. The project was supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological development. Funding was...
EnvironmentBathymetric Mapping and Seabed Sampling of North Atlantic V-Shaped Ridge VSR-2W: Constraints on Temporal Variation in Mantle Convection. Bathymetry and Elevation Temperature of the water column
Ground truthing survey of seismic data collected at Rockall. Standard oceanographic research data collection to ascertain the condition of the ocean. Information collected includes: Temperature of the water column Seismic reflection Seismic refraction Geotechnics
EnvironmentAn acoustic survey targeting blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) spawning and post spawning aggregations in the north east Atlantic in 2008. Spawning takes place from January through to April along the shelf edge from the southern Porcupine Bank area northwards to the...
North Atlantic ocean CTD stations, XBT stations and fisheries acoustic survey around Newfoundland, Canada.
This survey was conducted by the Marine Institute on-board the RV Celtic Explorer in summer 2013 as part of the North West Herring Acoustic Survey. The northwest and west coast (ICES Divisions VIaS & VIIb) herring acoustic survey programme was first established in 1994....
This three week research survey led by National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) took place on board the Marine Institute's R.V. Celtic Explorer in June/July 2013. The Biodiscovery and Ecosystem Function of Canyons Survey investigated a wide diversity of habitats and...
This survey was conducted by the Marine Institute in Autumn 2014 as part of the annual Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey. The aim of an acoustic survey is to determine the relative abundance of the target species. This information is then used to determine catch rates and...
The Marine Institute (MI) conducts annual groundfish surveys to determine the distribution and abundance of commercial fish around Ireland. The Irish Groundfish Survey (IGFS) forms part of the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) programme, an international survey...
EnvironmentOcean climate, marine chemistry and geology sections survey conducted by the Marine Institute in spring 2015 on board the R.V. Celtic Explorer. The focus areas were the Rockall Trough, Atlantic Continental Margin, Continental Shelf and Porcupine Bank of the North Atlantic...
EnvironmentAn acoustic survey targeting blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) spawning and post spawning aggregations in the north east Atlantic in 2015. Spawning takes place from January through to April along the shelf edge from the southern Porcupine Bank area northwards to the...
EnvironmentThis survey was conducted on board the RV Celtic Explorer in 2007 by the Marine Institute (MI) as part of the annual groundfish survey to determine the distribution and abundance of commercial fish around Ireland. The Irish Groundfish Survey (IGFS) forms part of the...
This survey was conducted by the Marine Institute on-board the RV Celtic Explorer in summer 2015 as part of the North West Herring Acoustic Survey. The northwest and west coast (ICES Divisions VIaS and VIIb) herring acoustic survey programme was first established in 1994....
This survey was conducted by the Marine Institute on board the R.V. Celtic Explorer in autumn 2007 to survey the abundance and distribution of herring In the southwest of Ireland and the Celtic Sea (ICES Divisions VIIaS, g and j). Here, herring are an important commercial...
The Marine Institute with the collaboration of the National University of Galway conducted a multidisciplinary deepwater survey along the continental slope of the Northeast Atlantic in September 2007 on board R.V. Celtic Explorer. The three areas were chosen to reflect fishing...
CE15011 Mapping the deep: the application of predictively modelled maps to European spatial plann...EnvironmentThis inter-institutional survey, led by National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), took place in summer 2015 on board the Marine Institute's R.V. Celtic Explorer in the North East Atlantic Ocean, the main focus area being the Porcupine, Seabight and Rockall Bank. The...
Phytoplankton Distribution Assessment survey off the south-west coast of Ireland. Phytoplankton generic abundance in water bodies and phytoplankton generic biomass in water bodies survey.
This survey was conducted by the Marine Institute in Autumn 2015 as part of the annual Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey. The aim of an acoustic survey is to determine the relative abundance of the target species. This information is then used to determine catch rates and...