EnvironmentThis Feature Class layer of "Basins" in the Irish Continental Shelf (ie. AKA Irish EEZ) represents the geographic boundary of the designated "basins". This layer consists of 5 designated basins and has been sourced from the Petroleum Affairs Division of the Department of...
EnvironmentThis feature class shows the location of lifeboat stations around Ireland. Additional information on the facilities available at each station is also provided. Data was downloaded from MIDA Atlas hosted by the CMRC.
EnvironmentOSPAR Regional Boundaries GIS dataset. The OSPAR Convention is the current legal instrument guiding international cooperation on the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. Work under the Convention is managed by the OSPAR Commission, made up of...
Dataset owned and provided by NPWS. http://www.npws.ie/en/ProtectedSites/SpecialProtectionAreasSPAs/ Ireland is a special place for wild birds. We are at the end of major flyways of waterfowl migrating south for the winter from North America, Greenland, Iceland and the Arctic....
EnvironmentThis feature class shows the location of Navigational beacons around Ireland. The Commissioners for Irish Lights are responsible for the superintendence and management of all aids to marine navigation around the coast of Ireland and its adjacent waters. This data has been...
EnvironmentAnnual Average Wave Height off the Irish coastline in metres as calculated by the ESBI Pelamis model for the Irish Wave Energy Resource Atlas 2005.
EnvironmentThe EU has established a new conservation area recognising the biological sensitivity and commercial importance of the waters around Ireland. The new Irish Conservation Box (ICB) or Irish Biologically Sensitive Area will replace the old Irish Box, a 50-mile, protected fishing...
EnvironmentBuoys, lightships and Large Automatic Navigational Buoys (LANBYs) have been located in areas where water levels are too deep or lighthouses would be too expensive or impractical to construct. These floating objects are anchored to the seabed. Their distinctive shapes and...
EnvironmentThe aim of the Shellfish Waters Directive is to protect or improve shellfish waters in order to support shellfish life and growth. It is designed to protect the aquatic habitat of bivalve and gastropod molluscs, which include oysters, mussels, cockles, scallops and clams. The...
Dataset owned and provided by Limericke County Council June 2010. Dataset represents Landscape Characterisation. Dataset attributed by 'Character Type'.
EnvironmentInshore Fisheries data from Inshore Fisheries Atlas of Ireland. Polygon dataset attributed with 'Method', 'Type', 'Grouping', 'Target', 'Area Usage' & 'Fish'
EnvironmentIBTS Haul station. Dataset created from Acoustic Survey SQL database.
EnvironmentAnnual Average Wave Period is a measurement of the passing of each wave over a period of time. This has been estimated using the Pelamis floating wave power convertor developed by Ocean Power Delivery Ltd.
EnvironmentDataset sourced from Shannon Intergrated Coastal Management Zone Survey in July 2010.
Annual Average Hydro Energy in MegaWatt Hours off the Irish coastline in Electricity generation potential as calculated by the ESBI Pelamis model for the Irish Wave Energy Resource Atlas 2005.
Dataset owned and provided by Limerick County Council June 2010 as part of Limerick Development plan GIS. Contact Limerick County Council Conservation officer for further information
Annual Average Power Flux Kw measures the average power within each wave from the Irish Wave Energy Resource Atlas.
EnvironmentThis feature class shows the location of Lighthouses around Ireland. The Commissioners for Irish Lights are responsible for the superintendence and management of all aids to marine navigation around the coast of Ireland and its adjacent waters. There are 80 lighthouses around...
EnvironmentThe locations of Commercial Ports around Ireland. Data sourced from the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) and SeaDataNet Ports Gazeteer.
EnvironmentGreencastle Codling Protected Area located north-east of the Inishowen peninsula. The zone represents a periodically closed Fishery Exclusion Area under an SI as part of the Greencastle Codling Project run by Marine Institute and BIM with local industry.