The location offshore wells drilled in the Irish offshore area. Offshore wells cover the Irish Exclusive Economic Zone including the Irish Sea, Saint Georges Channel, Celtic Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Offshore wells recorded between 1970 and 2019 available with this...
Annual statistics on sea fisheries landings at Irish ports. Statistics include breakdown by species class (e.g. deepwater, demersal, pelagic, shellfish), species description (e.g. Atlantic Mackerel) and top 20 ports by value (e.g. Killybegs, Castletownbere). Statistics...
EnvironmentThe Connemara 3D Model provides data for Galway Bay on the oceanographic parameters: Sea Temperature (degreeCelsius), Salinity (Salinity, PSU), Sea Water X Velocity (m/sec) and Sea Water X Velocity (m/sec). The ROMS model uses the sigma vertical coordinate system which is...
Yellow eel stock monitoring is integral to gaining an understanding of the current status of local stocks and for informing models of escapement. In addition, such monitoring provides a means of evaluating post-management changes and forecasting the effects of these changes on...
This review presents information on the status of selected shellfish stocks in Ireland. In addition data on the fleet (<13m) and landings for all species of shellfish (excluding Nephrops) are presented. The intention of the annual reviews is to present stock assessment and...
AgricultureSea lice are a naturally occurring marine parasite of fish. Over 500 species can be found on most fish types worldwide. Two main species affect salmon in Ireland, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (the salmon louse) and Caligus elongatus. Sea lice monitoring of finfish sites have taken...
EnvironmentThe Connemara 2D Model provides data for Galway Bay on the oceanographic surface parameters: (zeta) Sea Level Height (m), Barotropic Sea Water X Velocity (m/sec), and Barotropic Sea Water Y Velocity (m/sec). Users of the download service can choose a datetime, XY velocity...
This review presents information on the status of selected shellfish stocks in Ireland. In addition data on the fleet (<13m) and landings for all species of shellfish (excluding Nephrops) are presented. The intention of the annual reviews is to present stock assessment and...
EnvironmentSUPERSEDED - The version has been superseded. And a new edition is now available under the Atlas of Commercial Fisheries around Ireland, Fourth Edition, 2024. This atlas provides a series of detailed maps of commercial fishing activity around Ireland with the aim of providing...
EnvironmentThe location and areas where offshore non-renewable energy is taking place and due to begin production around Ireland. The main commercial fields include the Corrib field off the Belmullet Peninsula and the Kinsale field in the Celtic Sea. None
This document presents a summary of aquaculture production and employment figures for 2014. There is a breakdown of the data by species and by county. Data is also presented in map and tabular form.
EnvironmentInternational Council Exploration of the Sea (ICES) statistical rectangle boundary administrative units for offshore King Scallop monitoring and reporting. The ICES statistical rectangle boundaries used occur in the North Atlantic Ocean, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Saint Georges...
EnvironmentTidal predictions are generated from measured data via the Irish National Tide Gauge Network and via modelled data from the MI operational hydrodynamic model. Tidal prediction is a calculation of future tide ranges based on available oceanographic parameters. Users can select...
Dataset owned and provided by NPWS. Dataset downloaded 17th September 2010. http://www.npws.ie/en/ProtectedSites/NaturalHeritageAreasNHAs/. The basic designation for wildlife is the Natural Heritage Area (NHA). This is an area considered important for the habitats present or...
This dataset indicates the location of libraries operated by Kildare County Council. The dataset was created using a combination of Ordnance Survey Ireland, GeoDirectory and KCC data. For current information on events and facilities at each library, please visit...
Health Service Employment Report: February 2018 It is planned to release a machine readable dataset by the end of 2018
Climate reanalysis is a systematic approach used to produce meteorological datasets for climate monitoring and research. They are created using a fixed version of a forecast model and a data assimilation system which utilises historical observations and they produce parameters...
List of current valid liquor licences renewed for 2023/24 (in accordance with relevant legislation)
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