GovernmentUnemployment rates
GovernmentGDP growth rates
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics graduates
Ratio of students to teachers
GovernmentHealthy life years at birth
GovernmentEnergy productivity
Young and old age dependency ratios
GovernmentYoung persons aged 18-24 neither in employment nor in education and training
MIP02 - Comparative price levels of final consumption by private households including direct taxesGovernmentComparative price levels of final consumption by private households including direct taxes
GovernmentTotal Fertility Rates
EGS04 - Resource Management of Environment Goods and Services Sector Gross OutputGovernmentResource Management of Environment Goods and Services Sector Gross Output
EGS03 - Environment Protection of Environment Goods and Services Sector Gross OutputGovernmentEnvironment Protection of Environment Goods and Services Sector Gross Output
GovernmentTotal Environment Goods and Services Sector Gross Output
Actual hours worked per week
Indicators of Potential Labour Supply
Persons aged 15 years and over
Environment Goods and Services Sector Gross Output
QLF33 - Average usual hours worked per week for persons aged 15 years and over in EmploymentGovernmentAverage usual hours worked per week for persons aged 15 years and over in Employment
Persons aged 15 years and over in Employment
Person aged 15 years and over in Employment