PRA19 - Individuals released from custody classified by 1-year re-offending indicatorJusticeIndividuals released from custody classified by 1-year re-offending indicator
The datasets contains the Location of Garda Stations with contact information. Garda Stations in Sligo with location, address, division, district, and contact information. Sligo County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be...
CJA19 - Probation Offender Numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 YearsJusticeProbation Offender Numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 Years
CJA21 - Probation Offender Numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 YearsJusticeProbation Offender Numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 Years
CJA20 - Probation Offender Numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 YearsJusticeProbation Offender Numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 Years
Probation Re-Offending
CJA18 - Probation Offender numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 YearsJusticeProbation Offender numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 Years
CJA17 - Probation Offender numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 YearsJusticeProbation Offender numbers based on whether there was a Re-Offence within 3 Years
CVA10 - Victim - Suspected offender links for Recorded Crime Incidents - Under ReservationJusticeVictim - Suspected offender links for Recorded Crime Incidents - Under Reservation
CVA11 - Victim - Suspected offender links for Recorded Crime Incidents - Under ReservationJusticeVictim - Suspected offender links for Recorded Crime Incidents - Under Reservation
CVA07 - Victims of Recorded Crime (Sexual Violence) Incidents - Under ReservationJusticeVictims of Recorded Crime (Sexual Violence) Incidents - Under Reservation
CVA06 - Victims of Recorded Crime (Sexual Violence) Incidents - Under ReservationJusticeVictims of Recorded Crime (Sexual Violence) Incidents - Under Reservation
CVA09 - Suspected offenders of Recorded Crime Incidents - Under ReservationJusticeSuspected offenders of Recorded Crime Incidents - Under Reservation
CVA08 - Suspected offenders of Recorded Crime Incidents - Under ReservationJusticeSuspected offenders of Recorded Crime Incidents - Under Reservation
Victims of Recorded Crime Incidents - Under Reservation
CVA05 - Victims of Recorded Crime (Sexual Violence) Incidents - Under ReservationJusticeVictims of Recorded Crime (Sexual Violence) Incidents - Under Reservation
Victims of Recorded Crime Incidents - Under Reservation
Perceived grounds for discrimination.
Perceived grounds for discrimination.
Farming households that were victims of farm crime