EnvironmentThis data consists of live text forecasts including, National, regional, sea area, inland lakes and county forecasts.
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
December 2024 - Derogation Applications received & issued under Regulation 54 & 54A of Habitats D...HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 and 54A of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and...
National Treasury Management Agency Freedom of Information Request Disclosure LogHIGH VALUENational Treasury Management AgencyGovernmentA list of non personal Freedom of Information Requests processed in a Quarter 1 2024 by the National Treasury Management Agency
Christmas Tree Recycling 2025 1st Jan -16th Jan 2025 Balbriggan/Rush/Lusk (Enquiries –Operations Depot,email: Balswoparea@fingal.ie Bath Road Car Park, BalbrigganBarnageeragh Carpark, Balbriggan RoadHayestown Open Space, RushOrlynn Park Entrance, Access from Dublin Road,...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) and the associated flood depths during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) and the associated flood depths during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) and the associated flood depths during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) and the associated flood depths during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) and the associated flood depths during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have...
AgricultureThis service shows the datasets listed below. All datasets are in the ITM coordnate system. This data is subject to change and will be updated from time to time. Datasets included in this zip are - Life Sites and Millenium Forest Boundaries . Please refer to terms of use for...
AgricultureThis dataset shows the Forest Entrance points to Coillte Properties. 29/01/2024. Use of data All data on this viewer is available to download and subject to the terms of use – by downloading the data you are agreeing to the terms of use. Data is in ITM format. You agree not...
AgricultureCoillte Forest Road and Bridge datasets Use of data All data on this viewer is available to download and subject to the terms of use – by downloading the data you are agreeing to the terms of use. Data is in ITM format. You agree not to copy, publish or use the data on another...
AgricultureThe full name of this spatial dataset is Biodiversity Areas (BioClass). The dataset is designed, owned and managed by Coillte. Biodiversity areas are Coillte sites managed primarily for nature. Coillte first began mapping biodiversity areas on its estate in 2001, when...
SocietyAbstract: This data indicates the maximum estimated depth of river flooding (fluvial flooding) in meters (m) at a given location, for a flood event of a particular probability. The flood depths are calculated by subtracting the ground levels from the predicted water level. The...
SocietyAbstract: This data indicates the maximum estimated depth of river flooding (fluvial flooding) in meters (m) at a given location, for a flood event of a particular probability. The flood depths are calculated by subtracting the ground levels from the predicted water level. The...
SocietyAbstract: This data indicates the maximum estimated depth of river flooding (fluvial flooding) in meters (m) at a given location, for a flood event of a particular probability. The flood depths are calculated by subtracting the ground levels from the predicted water level. The...
AgricultureThis zip file shows Coillte Felling Licence dataset. All data are in the ITM coordnate system. This data is subject to change and will be updated from time to time. Please refer to terms of use for this dataset beofre using. These are available below or on the Coillte Public...
This data set contains the details of the Elected Council of Fingal County Council, Allowance and Expenses for 2023.Please see other data sets for previous years (1)Councilor's Allowance and Expenses from 2015 to 2017 inclusive(2)Councilor's Allowance & Expensed...
AgricultureThis service shows the datasets listed below. All datasets are in the ITM coordnate system. This data is subject to change and will be updated from time to time. Datasets included in this zip are - Business Area Units -Forest boundary - Property boundary - Compartment boundary...