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API: false Publisher: Galway City Council

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    Galway City Council's Electoral Areas (EAs) also known as Local Electoral Areas (LEAs) are subdivisions of city-level local government for electoral purposes. Residents of each Electoral Area elect a number of councillors to represent them in the Galway City Council. (Between...
    This polygon dataset defines the Galway City Boundary and Galway City Council administrative area extents for purposes of local government.
    A protected structure is a structure or part of a structure that a planning authority considers to be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific social or technical point of view. Given the rich built heritage of...
    There are views within the city, which require special protection due to their significant contribution to scenic amenity. Views of scenic amenity value and interest define the character of the city, engender a strong sense of place, and significantly enhance local amenities....
    An Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) is a place, area group of structures or townscapes which is either of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest in its own right or which contributes to the...
    Under the Roads Act 1993, a road authority is required to keep a schedule and map of all public roads in respect of which it has responsibility. Galway City Council's Road Schedule details National Primary, National Secondary, Regional Roads, Local Primary, Local Secondary and...
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