Network Safety Ranking is the process of using collision data to rank the safety of the national road network and to identify high collision locations. Collision data used for this process is collected by the Road Safety Authority, click here for the latest data map for...
The NRA initiated the Archaeology and the National Roads Authority Monograph Series in 2003 to publish the papers given at its National Archaeology Seminars. The monographs are written in an informal, jargon-free style and contain numerous colour illustrations. Fragments of...
A collection of short videos commissioned by the TII to explore some of the archaeology uncovered in course of national road schemes.
In recent years TII Archaeology and Heritage has sought to expand on the various methods it uses to communicate the results of archaeological investigations on road and light rail schemes to the general public. A series of specially commissioned audio guides produced by Abarta...
A large data set of approximately 330Gb is size and 6.5 billion data points recording vehicle movements at almost 300 locations on the National Road Network. Due to the size and nature of this dataset, data consumers will likely require some specialised tools and knowledge to...
This is a once off data set of per vehicle WIM records captured as part of a TII study in 2014/2015. Two data sets are provided - one containing records for all vehicles and one containing vehicles weighing over 3,500kg which would mostly be made up of commercial traffic. The...
Weigh-in-motion sensors capture vehicle weights, number of axles and weight distribution of vehicles as they travel over the sensor location. This information is used to inform activities including pavement and bridge design, network maintenance and research. TII currently has...
TII operates and maintains a network of traffic counters on the national primary and secondary road network in Ireland. There are currently almost 300 of these counters active across the network. For an interactive view of the data they capture, go to the TII Traffic Counter...
Dataset contains line geometries for the National Roads Network as at the end of 2013.
Site locations of Archaeological Excavations conducted prior to the commencement of road schemes construction
Network Safety Ranking is the process of using collision data to rank the safety of the national road network and to identify high collision locations. Collision data used for this process is collected by the Road Safety Authority, click here for the latest data map for...
Network Safety Ranking is the process of using collision data to rank the safety of the national road network and to identify high collision locations. Collision data used for this process is collected by the Road Safety Authority, click here for the latest data map for...
Locations of Luas Red and Green line stops
Vehicle Detection Systems (VDS) Data includes traffic flow information such average vehicle speed, traffic flow and traffic concentration.
Status and Messages currently displayed on Variable Message Signs on the National Road Network.
Real-time data from TII's national network of 80+ weather stations. Includes air temperature, precipitation, wind speed & direction and Road Surface temperature. Information is updated at 5 minute intervals.
Real-time Travel Time estimates for major national routes on the national road network.
Network Safety Ranking is the process of using collision data to rank the safety of the national road network and to identify high collision locations. Collision data used for this process is collected by the Road Safety Authority, click here for the latest data map for...
For each record (about 5,500 in total and each represents about 1km of the network) the sinuosity is calculated. It is a ratio of the actual length over the shortest path defined by the start and end nodes of the 1 km section. Section with a Sinuosity value of below 1.008 are...
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