Fingal County Council Development Plan 2017 to 2023 Specific Objective LinesFCCHousingFingal Development Plan 2017-2023. This data set relates to Landscape Specific Objective Lines in the Development Plan 2017-2023The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. It contains the following Architectural...
This dataset contains the data from the Council's Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1 & 2. Each table is represented by a separate data file.Appendix 1 is the Summary of the Central Management Charge. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ for each...
This contains the details of the number of requests received by the staff in Estate Management Team of the Housing Division of Fingal County Council . These are the number of call in relation to Repairs of the Council Housing Stock. 2018-2024 inclusive. This can be (1)...
This data set contains Road Opening License for Fingal County Council from 2017-2023 from January to December month by month. New years will be added under existing and updated quarterly. The new efficiency functionality with respect to automated granting of T3 licenses is...
This data set contains details of Dublin Airport Safety Zones as per Fingal County Council Adopted Fingal County Council Development Plan 2023 - 2029 <o:p></o:p>
GovernmentAnnual Budget 2020 for Fingal County Council
Education and SportListing of Leisure Facilities within Fingal County Council with Longitude and Latitude
This dataset contains the data from the Council’s Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1 & 2. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Table A is the Calculation of the Annual Rate on Valuation for the Financial Year. It is...
This Data set shows the Local Election Constituency Information - Balbriggan for 2014 Local Elections in the Administrative Area of Fingal County Council
This Data set if of the other remaining 11% of the consumption is made up of smaller accounts within Fingal County Council, which have not been defined as significant but might become significant in the future as other Significant Energy Users ( SEUs) become more energy...
The Freedom of Information Scheme comes into effect on the 14th April, 2016. Purpose of Scheme: The Scheme is designed to facilitate the provision of information to the greatest extent possible, except for information exempted under the Act and, in preparing, reviewing or...
This Data set contains the details of the Parking Fines Issued in Fingal County Council for 2023 under the Traffic Bye Laws and Parking Enforcement This is the fourth year of publishing Parking Fines, 2020, 2021, 2022 and this Parking Fines 2023 is in a new formula with more...
This Data set contains the details of the Parking Fines Issued in Fingal County Council for 2024 from the Operation/Transportation Department in Fingal County Council. This is listing the Top Ten Areas for Fines and the total per month and also lists the Top Ten Offence with...
Breakdown of complaints to the Ombudsman about Fingal County Council
TransportCycle Counters Data hour by hour for Totem Pole Cycle Counters Coast Road, Castleknock Road and Morton Stadium within Fingal County Council for January 2021 to December 2021. (1) Coast Road - Latitude 53.36152 Longitude -6.1816 (2) Castleknock Road - Latitude 53.37004...
Listing of Architectural Conservation Areas within Fingal County Council Administrative Area
his data set contains the Freedom of Information Log for Request submitted to Fingal County Council in 2023 Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 requires FOI bodies to prepare and publish a scheme concerning the publication of information by the body in conformity...
TransportFingal County Council School Crossings within the Fingal Administrative Area
This map shows the locations of Bike Stands/Cycle Racks prior to 2021 as there has been and large amount added to the network.
Each Local Electoral Area boundaries within Fingal.