Tidal and Storm Surge Forecast Service Forecast Location Points for Periods 4-9

Category: Society
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Abstract: This dataset provides the co-ordinate points of the forecast location points for Periods 4 - 9 of the Tidal and Storm Surge Forecasting Service for the Coast of Ireland. The coordinates are provided in the Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) coordinate reference system. The Tidal and Storm Surge Forecasting Service was intended to provide information for Local Authorities, and other relevant stakeholders, to enable them to make informed decisions on the management of coastal flood risk. Three forecasts were produced daily, two morning forecasts looking 72 and 144 hours ahead and an evening forecast looking 72 hours ahead. The locations of the forecast points are intended to give good geographic coverage of all areas of the Irish coastline, whilst ensuring adequate coverage in densely populated areas which may potentially be at risk from coastal flooding.

Lineage: This data provides the co-ordinate points of the forecast location points for Periods 4 - 9 of the Tidal and Storm Surge Forecasting Service for the Coast of Ireland. Period 4 to 9 covers the period from August 2011 to July 2017. Due to development of the system not all forecast points were used in all periods, as additional points were introduced as the system was developed. An updated version of this data was used for the later period 10 of the forecasting and users should note that some points have a different reference in the Period 4 to 9 data from the Period 10 data.

Purpose: The Tidal and Storm Surge Forecasting Service for the Coast of Ireland was intended to provide information for Local Authorities and other relevant stakeholders to enable them to make informed decisions on the management of coastal flood risk. Three forecasts were produced daily, two morning forecasts looking 72 and 144 hours ahead and an evening forecast looking 72 hours ahead. Forecasts were provided at up to 57 forecasting points, 15 National Points around the coast of Ireland and five more detailed local forecasting areas at Dundalk Bay, Wexford Harbour, Cork Harbour, Shannon Estuary and Galway Bay, with the exact numbers at any time depending on the level of model development.

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Resource: Tidal and Storm Surge Forecast Service...

URL: https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/catalogue.floodinfo.opw/tssf/TSSF_P4_P9_Forecast_Points.csv

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Point Name text Point Name
ITM Easting numeric ITM Easting
ITM Northing numeric ITM Northing

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 31 January 2025
Metadata last updated 31 January 2025
Created 31 January 2025
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id53b18b61-583d-475d-8b3b-3de5871b3666
Preview rows57
Total record count57
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