Monetising MetOcean Data - An Open Data Project

Monetising MetOcean Data - An Open Data Project

About the Author/Organisation

Exceedence is a company focused on empowering stakeholders in the renewable energy sector. They develop software tools that assist developers, investors, and governments in evaluating the financial viability of renewable energy projects.

About the Project

This showcase highlights Exceedence's Open Data project, named ODINE (Open Data Incubator Network Enterprise). The project focuses on leveraging open metocean data (data related to meteorological and oceanographic conditions) to assess the financial potential of wind, wave, and tidal energy resources.

Why it's a Showcase

The ODINE project exemplifies the value of Open Data initiatives in the renewable energy sector. By utilising publicly available metocean data, Exceedence demonstrates how Open Data can be monetised and used to create valuable tools for the renewable energy industry. Their software helps stakeholders make informed decisions about renewable energy projects, potentially leading to increased investment and adoption of clean energy sources.

Impact of the Showcase

The ODINE project offers a compelling case for Open Data in the renewable energy sector. Here's how it creates a positive impact:

Increased Investment in Renewables: By providing a cost-effective way to assess the financial potential of renewable projects, ODINE can encourage greater investment in clean energy sources.

Improved Project Planning and Decision-Making: Exceedence's software empowers stakeholders with data-driven insights, leading to more efficient and successful renewable energy projects.

Promoting Open Data Practices: The ODINE project serves as an inspiration for other organisations to explore the potential of Open Data and develop innovative solutions for the energy sector.

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