Persons aged 15 years and over
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over who walk for recreational purposes
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over who walk for recreational purposes
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over who walk for recreational purposes
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over who walk for recreational purposes
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over who walk for recreational purposes
SPQ05 - Persons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical acti...RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical activity
SPQ04 - Persons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical acti...RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical activity
SPQ03 - Persons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical acti...RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical activity
SPQ02 - Persons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical acti...RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical activity
SPQ01 - Persons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical acti...RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over participation in walking, sport and/or other physical activity
SDG 1.2.2 Deprivation Rate
G0102 - SDG 1.2.1 Proportion of the Population Living below the National Poverty LineRialtasSDG 1.2.1 Proportion of the Population Living below the National Poverty Line
All persons aged 15 and over and if they ever walk
Preventative Measures of persons aged 15 years and over
Carers Aged 15 Years And Over 2011 to 2016
Carers 2011 to 2016
RialtasPopulation With a Disability in Private Households 2011 to 2016
RialtasPopulation Enumerated in Communal Establishments 2011 to 2016
RialtasPopulation Usually Resident and Present in the State 2011 to 2016