Winter Service Plan Routes - Roscommon

Arna fhoilsiú ag: Roscommon County Council
Tuairimí: 5
Rátáil oscailteachta:

This Winter Service Plan is Roscommon County Council’s commitment to maintain a certain level of service on specified roads throughout the County. Level of service is maintained by responding to disruptive winter weather conditions causing frost, ice formation or snow accumulation on public roads in a prescribed manner. The plan applies to a continuous six month period, referred to as the ‘winter period,’ from mid-October to mid-April. View App here.

It is necessary to prioritise important and strategic routes in order to use available resources to the greatest benefit. Priority 1: To be treated during all weather events. Motorways, national primary roads, national secondary roads, regional and local roads of national strategic importance, regional and local roads providing access to essential services. Priority 2: To be treated as part of normal Winter Service but may have interruptions to treatment in certain severe weather events. Sections of regional and local roads of regional strategic importance.  Publisher: Roscommon County Council  Dataset language: English  Spatial Projection: Web Mercator  Date of Creation: 2011  Update Frequency: As Required

Data Resources (6)

ArcGIS Hub Dataset
ArcGIS GeoService

Data Resource Preview - GeoJSON

Teagmhálaí RoscomCoCoGIS
Ríomhphost Teagmhálaí
Téama Timpeallacht
Dáta eisithe 2013-10-16
Dáta nuashonraithe 2020-01-03
Teanga English