Smart Grid Data


Live grid data, including System Demand, System Generation, Wind Generation, Solar Generation, Other Renewables Generation, Energy Stored (i.e. battery, Turlough Hill), Interconnection, Frequency, Imbalance Price/Volume, SNSP, CO2, and all other available data points.

JSON format would allow for easy integration for many use cases.

Additional Info

Creator Eirgrid Smart Grid Data
Online URL
Public Sector Body Eirgrid
Potential Use

Dataset would be invaluable for houses and businesses trying to sync their energy usage with greener times of generation, i.e. through an API like and . Unfortunately because true data is not available from Eirgrid currently, such services currently guesstimate the figures.

Likes 112
Created 2 bhliain ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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