Valuations Office Data


CSV version of all the data available on navdirect: Rating Authority, Property Number, Valuation, Category, Uses and Lat/Long. As the data is publicly available online and would be stored in csv to upload to the GIS site NavDirect, this should be easily done.

Additional Info

Creator Alex Trimble
Organisation CBRE
Online URL

Public Sector Body Valuations Office
Potential Use

checking of valuations completed, cross-referencing with public data available to ensure address/company correct, access to publicly available data outside of GIS format.

Likes 44
Created 7 mbliana ó shin
Dúnta 5 bliana ó shin
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Current Discussion

  • Open Data Team (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    We have contacted the Valuation Office who have confirmed that the release of this data as open data is currently under consideration. Open Data Team 22 August, 2018