Consultation and Safety Representation - Anonymous Online Survey


Survey was developed and administered by the Health and Safety Authority in Ireland Led by Dr Joan Cahill ( The purpose of this survey was to obtain information about consultation and the perception and role of safety representatives. The HSA are using the insights from this survey to promote the Safety Representatives role and to develop resources. This survey was completed by employers, employees, safety representatives, safety officers, and occupational safety and health professionals. Dataset has 52 questions (4 of them related to consent). Data set has been cleaned, removed consent questions. Of the 48 questions, 47 are closed questions, with some using 5 point likert scale. There is one free text question. n=854 responses.

Additional Info

Creator Consultation and Safety Representation (National Survey)
Organisation Health and Safety Authority, Ireland
Online URL
Public Sector Body Health and Safety Authority, Ireland
Potential Use

Can be used by different companies (different sizes, across different business/NACE sectors, with different levels of occupational safety and health maturity) to profile consultation and safety representation. The HSA will not be doing detailed analysis for all questions.

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Created 3 mhí ó shin
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Current Discussion

  • (Unauthenticated user) (3 mhí ó shin)

    The HSA can host this dataset on our own website, but would like to use the portal