Traffic Data API


API for traffic counts which would let users, especially transport planners and road designers, easily download data for specific site, with selected interval, for selected vehicle classes, for selected directions and for selected time period (preferably whole year). There is already a service, but it's partially working and not giving reliable results. The current datasets for specific day and for all sites are located on example website: Data for this day is missing two thirds of the cars for some of the sites. There is also a website -, but to download data for one site a user would need to visit the site approximately 168 times (limit is 30 days; 168 = 12 (months) * 7 (vehicle classes) * 2 (directions)). Therefore downloading from it is time consuming.

Additional Info

Creator Traffic Data API
Online URL

Public Sector Body Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Potential Use

Transport appraisals, traffic analysis

Likes 151
Created 3 bliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • vitaly tomilov (Unauthenticated user) (2 bhliain ó shin)

    Did you get any further with this?

    I'm an API developer.
