National Parks


There are six National Parks in Ireland.

Additional Info

Creator Jane Nolan
Organisation National Parks and Wildlife Service
Online URL

Public Sector Body National Parks and Wildlife Service
Potential Use

To be able to incorporate them into a GIS such as ArcGIS Online

Likes 71
Created 4 bliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    I have received this response regarding the national parks polygon dataset That dataset is under the remit of the NPWS. They have issued this standard reply this week to another query:

    “The National Parks and Reserves boundary data is under review and not currently releasable.”

    29/03/21. Open Data Team.

  • Jane Nolan (Unauthenticated user) (4 bliana ó shin)

    Sorry, yes I was aware of the Point Data format - I was hoping to get the data in a Polygon format as per the SAC, NHA and SPA data which NPWS have on their website at:

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    The Dept of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government have advised that the point data for the parks is available here in CSV format

    26/03/21. Open Data Team.

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    Request sent to the D/Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government for consideration on 26/03/21. Open Data Team.