2024 number of allotments & number of community gardens in Ireland.


Earlier this year, Minister Hackett requested all local authorities to complete a survey detailing the number of allotments and the number of community gardens available per local authority in 2024. We request this data to be made available.


Additional Info

Creator Dónal McCormack
Organisation Community Gardens Ireland
Online URL
Public Sector Body Department of Agriculture
Potential Use

To benchmark the number of allotments and number of community gardens against 2020 LGMA figures.

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Created 4 mhí ó shin
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Current Discussion

  • Dónal McCormack (Unauthenticated user) (1 mhí ó shin)

    Hi there, still looking for this to be made available for:

    • Number of allotments per local authority in 2024; and
    • Number of community gardens per local authority in 2024.

    Results from the survey carried out by the Department of Agriculture is yet to be made available. Could an update be provided please.