JobBridge listings archive


JobBridge had a listing of thousands of jobs that were offered to jobseekers. When JobBridge was closed, this data disappeared. It would be nice to see an archive of these listings, since they were facilitated by the government and available to everyone. A simple use case of the data would be to see trends in employment over the multiple years JobBridge was available.

Additional Info

Creator Carl Lange
Online URL
Public Sector Body Welfare
Potential Use

Academic, general interest

Likes 135
Created 7 mbliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Krystyna Pycinska-Taylor (Unauthenticated user) (7 mbliana ó shin)

    Carl, thank you for your dataset suggestion which was sent to the D/Employment Affairs and Social Protection for consideration. Regards, Open Data Team, 13.07.2018