Material contraventions of the Development Plans by Local Authority 2013-2016


This would be a follow up to the data set also on this platform, "Planning applications where procedure for material contravention of the Development Plan in 2012 was used by area 2007-2012"

Additional Info

Creator Kelly McCarthy
Organisation Transparency International Ireland
Online URL
Public Sector Body Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
Potential Use

To gain a better understanding of the amount and frequency of proposed material contraventions in local planning in Ireland

Likes 9
Created 8 mbliana ó shin
Dúnta 7 mbliana ó shin
Open Data Ceann ar bith
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Current Discussion

  • MBeakey (7 mbliana ó shin)

    Response from Dept of Housing, Planning & Local Government is as follows: 'The Department provides data on a wide range of housing and planning statistics and keeps all of its datasets under review. From time to time datasets (or variables contained therein) are added to or removed from the list of data collected depending on the Department's priorities and available resources at that time. Data on planning applications remains available on the Department's website ( and detailed information is available on the Planning Permissions Granted from the CSO website( ). There are no plans at this time to reinstitute data collection of this particular time series'. Open Data Team 17 Oct, 2017

  • Krystyna Pycinska-Taylor (Unauthenticated user) (7 mbliana ó shin)

    Hi Kelly, we received assurances from D/Housing that they are still following up on this issue. Regards, Open Data Team

  • Krystyna Pycinska-Taylor (Unauthenticated user) (8 mbliana ó shin)

    Kelly, thanks for your comment which we passed on to the D/Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. We sent your original request to them for consideration on 16.08.2017 and they informed us that they are seeking further information from a different section. Regards, Open Data Team

  • Kelly McCarthy (Unauthenticated user) (8 mbliana ó shin)

    It occurred to me - this should be from 2014, rather than 2013, given the new structure of Local Authorities adopted in 2014 (otherwise two separate lists would likely be needed, with the 34 city/county councils for 2013 and the 31 local authorities from 2014 on). Thank you!