National Car Testing Services data


On the 3rd Feb 2015 an article in the Irish times published "What’s the most reliable car in Ireland? Latest NCT statistics show major variations in pass rates between test centres and car brands".

I would request this raw data be published as open data and request that an up-to-date data set to be published and maintained.

Additional Info

Creator National Car Testing Services data
Organisation Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
Online URL
Public Sector Body National Car Testing Services (NCTS) Ltd. on behalf of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
Potential Use

Which NCT centre has the highest pass-rate? Pass/failure rates per test centre. What cars are more reliable and at what age do they start to become unreliable.

Likes 43
Created 9 mbliana ó shin
Dúnta 8 mbliana ó shin
Open Data 2015 Make Model Year Failures at NCT
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