Vaccine rollout by Date, age Cohort and vaccine centre


Although some of this info is on the covid data hub it does not show us the data over time but rather the data at a given time. It does also not provide a geographical breakdown of vaccine does and administration location (eg GP, Mass Centre, Pharmacy ect ).

Additional Info

Creator Covid Vaccinations
Online URL
Public Sector Body HSE
Potential Use


Likes 84
Created 4 bliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Barry Burke (Unauthenticated user) (4 bliana ó shin)

    Thanks a lot @paulfitzpatrick

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    Update received from the Dept of Health. The Vaccination data will be made public in the coming weeks on the Covid data hub. The Dept of Health are currently in the process of creating an extract for the covid data hub which will subsequently be made available for download on their website. Open Data Team, 05/05/21.

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    Request sent to the HSE/Dept of Health for consideration on 04/05/21. Open Data Team.