Site feature request


Add a "Report broken link" button which will flag to admin and dataset owner

Additional Info

Creator Dave Corley
Organisation OpenStreetMap Ireland
Online URL
Public Sector Body Derlinx
Potential Use

Prevent frustration, ensure data usability

Likes 10
Created 8 mbliana ó shin
Dúnta 8 mbliana ó shin
Open Data Ceann ar bith
You can reference datasets by adding their URLs
Please complete missing form fields.

Current Discussion

  • MBeakey (8 mbliana ó shin)

    A new 'Contact' Us page has been added to the portal so that queries, details of broken links, feedback etc. can be sent in. Open Data Unit 22/02/2017

  • MBeakey (8 mbliana ó shin)

    Thanks for the suggestion which we will consider. At present all queries /reporting of issues can be sent via email to (or click on the envelope icon at the bottom of the page)

  • Dave Corley (Unauthenticated user) (8 mbliana ó shin)

    Actually, maybe a generic "Report Issue" button would be better as it would increase the scope to cover broken links, borked files, allow feedback etc on various datasets