Register of Protected Areas - SAC Conservation Objective Species River Waterbodies

Tuairimí: 49
Rátáil oscailteachta:

WFD River Water Bodies intersecting with Designated Special Areas of Conservation Conservation Objective Species under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds Directive) - Council Directive 92/43/EE of 21st May 1992 and Directive 79/409/EEC.

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Téama Timpeallacht
Dáta eisithe 2015-01-17
Dáta nuashonraithe 2017-11-10
Cloíonn an tacar sonraí leis na caighdeáin seo The INSPIRE Directive or INSPIRE lays down a general framework for a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the purposes of European Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.
Nótaí Cearta {"no limitations",,license}
Minicíocht Nuashonraithe Eile
Teanga English
Clúdach Geografach i bhformáid GeoJSON {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.47472, 51.44555],[-10.47472, 55.37999], [-6.01306, 55.37999], [-6.01306, 51.44555], [-10.47472, 51.44555]]]}
SRS TM65 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29902)
Méid Ingearach {"verticalDomainName": "EPSG Projection 5731 - Malin Head height", "minVerticalExtent": "0", "maxVerticalExtent": "1014"}
Eolas Dualfhoinse Provision of Special Areas of Conservation Conservation Objective Species designations by Department of Agriculture, Ireland in 2009. River Water Bodies that intersect Special Areas of Conservation Conservation Objective Species were selected to form the Register of Protected Areas protected River Water Bodies under the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and Directive 79/409/EEC.
Tréimhse ama clúdaithe (tús) 2015-01-17
Tréimhse ama clúdaithe (deireadh) 2015-01-17