
Arna fhoilsiú ag: Road Management Office
Téama: Transport
Tuairimí: 8281
Rátáil oscailteachta:

Data Resources (3)

Local road network
Local road network
Local Road Network Shapefile

Data Resource Preview - Local Road Network Shapefile

Teagmhálaí Road Management Office
Ríomhphost Teagmhálaí contact@rmo.ie
Uimhir Ghutháin Teagmhálaí 353749153960
Téama Iompar
Dáta eisithe 2023-12-18
Dáta nuashonraithe 2023-12-18
Nótaí Cearta The Road Management Office and the Local Authorities provide this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. The Road Management Office or the Local Authorities accept no liability for any loss or damage suffered by those using this data for any purpose
Minicíocht Nuashonraithe Irregular
Teanga English
Lamairne https://roadmanagement.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=ef0c8ed8529e4eb295f4c6b485bc8567#overview
Clúdach Geografach National
High Value Dataset (HVD) true
High Value Dataset Category Geospásúil
Applicable Legislation
  1. http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2023/138/oj