
Arna fhoilsiú ag: Office of Public Works
Tuairimí: 14
Rátáil oscailteachta:

Data Resources (1)

Station Search Page
Teagmhálaí Hydrometric Section
Ríomhphost Teagmhálaí waterlevel@opw.ie
Uimhir Ghutháin Teagmhálaí 353469422372
Téama Timpeallacht
Minicíocht Nuashonraithe Continuous
Teanga English
Lamairne https://waterlevel.ie/hydro-data
Clúdach Geografach National
Eolas Dualfhoinse This data is a subset of the water level data allowing access to the daily mean archive of discharge estimates data. Please see https://waterlevel.ie/hydro-data/#/html/disclaimer
NÓ: Sonraigh an tréimhse ama a chlúdaíonn an tacar sonraí From beginning of period of record
High Value Dataset (HVD) true
High Value Dataset Category Faire na cruinne agus an comhshaol
Applicable Legislation
  1. http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2023/138/oj