Dublin Economic Monitor DCC

Arna fhoilsiú ag: Dublin City Council
Téama: Economy
Tuairimí: 3357
Rátáil oscailteachta:

Updated April 2024. Dublin Region Economic Indicators to monitor economic development in the Dublin City Region (4 Dublin Local Authorities combined). Data accompanies the quarterly Dublin Economic Monitor Report. Data in separate worksheets includes: National and Dublin Unemployment, Sectoral Employment, Dublin and National ex Dublin Residential Property Price Indexes, Dublin, GDA and Outside GDA Residential Rents Indexes, Dublin housing completions and commencements, Dublin Public Transport Usage, Dublin Airport passenger arrivals, Dublin Port Tonnage.

Disclaimer: ESRI KBC Dublin consumer sentiment: current conditions, future expectations, and overall, are no longer updated. PDF of Dublin Economic Monitor reports available here: www.dublineconomy.ie

Data Resources (11)

Unemployment Index for Dublin and National (Ireland)
Dublin Region employment, by sector.
Dublin and national residential property price index
The Rent Index is a private rental housing rent report based on the Residential Tenancies Board’s register of tenancies.
Dublin housing completions and commencements
Public transport usage in Dublin region by mode: bus, train, tram...
Dublin Airport passenger arrivals
Dublin Port Tonnage, imports and exports.
Consumer sentiment in Dublin
Sentiment Expectation index for Dublin
The Consumer Sentiment Index for Dublin.

Data Resource Preview - Data Indicator 1 - Unemployment

Téama Geilleagar
Dáta eisithe 2016-04-28
Dáta nuashonraithe 2024-10-03
Minicíocht Nuashonraithe Irregular
Teanga English
Lamairne https://data.smartdublin.ie/dataset/dublin-economic-monitor
Clúdach Geografach Greater Dublin Area
NÓ: Sonraigh an tréimhse ama a chlúdaíonn an tacar sonraí Q1 2008 - Q2 2024