CE10003 Climate and ecosystem sections on the Irish shelf survey

Arna fhoilsiú ag: Marine Institute
Tuairimí: 4
Rátáil oscailteachta:

This cruise proposes to build upon the oceanographic and ecosystem data collection efforts of the past decade to understand the dynamics of living and non-living resources on the Irish continental shelf.The cruise has the following key objectives. - Collect CTD profile data using a CTD Rosette sampling system along the standard offshore and shelf sections to include: o Nutrient sampling o Phytoplankton samples o Salinity samples o Collect CO2 samples on the cruise - Undertake Continuous Plankton Recorder Tows in Irish waters to contribute to the SAHFOS CPR Global effort (analysis by NUI, Galway) - Acquire Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data on the shelf to validate model output - Collect size-fractionated baseline data on marine plankton to assess whether it can be used in monitoring of trophic status (different phytoplankton net mesh sizes will be used to achieve this). - Deploy the MI Glider on first shelf trial missions. Deploy the Belmullet Fugro Weather Buoy Deploy an ADCP at the belmullet site. This cruise proposes to build upon the oceanographic and ecosystem data collection efforts of the past decade to understand the dynamics of living and non-living resources on the Irish continental shelf.The cruise has the following key objectives. * Collect CTD profile data using a CTD Rosette sampling system along the standard offshore and shelf sections to include: o Nutrient sampling o Phytoplankton samples o Salinity samples o Collect CO2 samples on the cruise Undertake Continuous Plankton Recorder Tows in Irish waters to contribute to the SAHFOS CPR Global effort (analysis by NUI, Galway) Acquire Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data on the shelf to validate model output *Collect size-fractionated baseline data on marine plankton to assess whether it can be used in monitoring of trophic status (different phytoplankton net mesh sizes will be used to achieve this). * Deploy the MI Glider on first shelf trial missions. Deploy the Belmullet Fugro Weather Buoy Deploy an ADCP at the belmullet site Note : The vessel will be leaving at 1730 hours on sunday the 16th

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Resource: CSV CTD Data

URL https://erddap.marine.ie/erddap/tabledap/IMI_CTD.csv?midgid%2Cctd_filename%2Csdn_local_cdi_id%2Csdn_csrref_global%2CSeaVox_SeaArea%2CSeaVox_SeaArea_urn%2CICES_ecoregion%2CICES_area%2CICES_statistical_rectangle%2CMSFD_region%2CMSFD_subregion%2CWFD_waterbody_type%2CWFD_waterbody_name%2CSWD_shellfish_waterbody%2Ccomp4_assessment_area_name%2Ctransect%2Cstation_id%2Csite_bathy_depth%2Cplatform_name%2Cices_platform_code%2Ccruise%2Cexpocode%2Cctd_model_name%2Cctd_model_urn%2Cyear%2Cmonth%2Ctime%2Cdepth%2Clatitude%2Clongitude%2Cpressure%2Ctemperature%2Csalinity%2Csigmat%2Caverage_sound_velocity%2Coxygen_mll%2Coxygen_umolkg%2Coxygen_sat%2Cdepth_qc%2Cpressure_qc%2Ctemperature_qc%2Csalinity_qc%2Csigmat_qc%2Caverage_sound_velocity_qc%2Coxygen_mll_qc%2Coxygen_umolkg_qc%2Coxygen_sat_qc&cruise=%22CE10003%22

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Data last updated 9 Márta 2025
Metadata last updated 9 Márta 2025
Created 9 Márta 2025
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