Fire and Ambulance Annual Incident Activity Log Dublin Fire Brigade (DF) and Ambulance (DA) annual incident activity logs. Fields include date, area of incident (district ID) and response time data. The fields from MOB through to CD are generated by the vehicle (either by a...
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TithíochtPlanning Applications 2012 Decisions. This contains data on planning applications, decisions and the timeframe in which the decision was made for the Local Authorities, including borough councils and town councils.
TithíochtLocal Authorities, Approved Housing Bodies, the Housing Agency and the D/HPC&LG have been advancing a suite of social housing schemes, through a range of delivery mechanisms and programmes. This dataset provides a comprehensive list of these social housing schemes that are...
TithíochtThere is no breakdown available for the period 2005-2009 inclusive. Data broken down by LA is available on the website. The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the originally published data will...
TithíochtThis is the first data released from the data collected under the Data Gathering Initiative whereby Local Authorities supply a detailed breakdown of their loan book by loan at the end of each month. It replaces a survey of Local Authorities. As such there may be...
This data contains information on the location of administrative and community buildings owned / operated by Sligo County Council. The data was created using GeoDirectory data and MapInfo data. The data includes Sligo County Council administrative buildings, community centres...
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A municipal district is an administrative entity comprising a clearly defined territory and its population. It can refer to a city, town, village or a small grouping of them, or a rural area. Following the Putting People First, Action Programme for Local Government and the...
The Local Authority Museums Network dataset created by the Heritage Council.This dataset maps, and provides details for, the Local Authority-run County museums across Ireland.