TimpeallachtThe Air Quality Index for Health (AQIH) is comprised of 6 regions as follows: Dublin, Cork, Large Towns (>15,000), Small Towns (5,000 – 15,000), Rural East and Rural West. The AQIH is calculated on an hourly basis using representative sampling from each region. Each region...
This is a points dataset of the locations of current and past air monitoring sites managed within the EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Network.
TimpeallachtThis is a dataset of the air quality zones listed on http://www.epa.ie/air/quality/zones/. The zones were defined initially in the Air Quality Regulations (SI 180 of 2011). The EPA reviews the zones regularly and amends when necessary.
This map shows the locations of current ambient air monitoring stations. Air quality at these sites are assessed in line with requirements as defined by S.I. 180 of 2011 and form part of the National Ambient Air Quality Programme.
TimpeallachtThis is a points dataset of the locations of current and past air monitoring sites managed within the EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Network.
TimpeallachtThis is a dataset of the air quality zones listed on http://www.epa.ie/air/quality/zones/. The zones were defined initially in the Air Quality Regulations (SI 180 of 2011). The EPA reviews the zones regularly and amends when necessary.