Ardgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in Rockabill Lighthouse, Colt Church, Shenick and Lambay Islands may be seen, including Sliabh Foy, the highest of the Cooley Mountains, and of...
Europe’s first contactless bottle filling stations are being rolled out in the Fingal area by a local company Ecofil for Fingal County Council. The new bottle filling stations provide contactless, clean and safe drinking water without the risk of touching high-use buttons...
This data set contains the amount of Paying Visitors whom under took a Guide Tour of Malahide Castle in 2024. Malahide Castle Demesne and parkland boasts pleasant walks, play areas, sporting facilities.This wonderful 268 acre (109 Hectare) park hosts the recently redeveloped...
SláinteTree within Fingal County Council.This contains road name and location of trees maybe as per a house etc.Disclaimer“Please Note that the locations are estimates of location ‘actual location of trees’ rather than individual tree. e.g. maybe at a house and the point is pointing...
Oideachas agus SpórtTraffic Data hour by Hour from Ardgillan Demense updated monthly. Ardgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in Rockabill Lighthouse, Colt Church, Shenick and Lambay Islands may be seen,...
FuinneamhData on Traffic Volume to Ardgillan Demesne - 2023 - See new year Raw Data Ardgillan Demense 2024_FCC Ardgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in Rockabill Lighthouse, Colt Church, Shenick...
Raw Data of Traffic Flow Hour by Hour for Ardgillan Castle and Gardens for 2022Data on Traffic Volume to Ardgillan Demesne - 2022 to data Ardgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in...
This data set contains the Monthly Visitors via Pedestrian Access Gates to Malahide Demesne from 2019 to 2022 inclusive see the new data set from 2023 onwards.Malahide Castle Demesne and parkland boasts pleasant walks, play areas, sporting facilities. This wonderful 268 acre...
This data set shows the shows the details of then number of paying Visitors to Newbridge Farm and booked rooms for parties, special occasions and it includes payed house tour visitors. Newbridge House is a Georgian Villa built to the design of James Gibbs in 1747 for the...
Oideachas agus SpórtInteractive Map of Fingal County Council Parks and Play Grounds within the Fingal County Council Administrative Area
Oideachas agus SpórtThis Data set contains the Footfall for the Casino in 2020 - 2024 inclusive and updated quarterly in 2025. Experience the iconic model railway collection crafted by Cyril Fry, now housed in the beautifully restored Casino cottage in the heart of Malahide Village and just a 10...
EalaíonA list of public artworks within the Fingal County Council administrative area. Artworks include Sculptures and Murals and details of artist and mapping of locations of installations.
Oideachas agus SpórtData on Traffic Volume entering to Ardgillan Demesne - 2024 onwards Ardgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in Rockabill Lighthouse, Colt Church, Shenick and Lambay Islands may be seen,...
Hour by hour raw data on Vehicular access to Ardgillan Demense from 2018 to 2021 inclusive. 2022 is now in a new data set see (Ardgillan Traffic Flow _Raw Data 2022) Closed Data (Historical) See Raw Data 2024_FCC www.argdillancastle.ie
Oideachas agus SpórtCommunity Facilities within Parks Listing on Map within Fingal County Council
The data set contains the data on Vehicular Flow for Malahide Castle Car Parks for 2023/2024 and updated quarterly for 2025 Malahide Castle Demesne and parkland boasts pleasant walks, play areas, sporting facilities.This wonderful 268 acre (109 Hectare) park hosts the recently...
Oideachas agus SpórtHeritage Venues within Fingal County Council on an interactive map
Oideachas agus SpórtLocation of the main parks in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. Parks within the dataset are classified as Regional, District or Local. Location and classification based on dlr Green Infrastructure Strategy. Please note, this dataset does not...
Oideachas agus SpórtPoint feature class outlining the locations of Access Points to the main parks within the Dún-Laoghaire-Rathdown administrative area. Published April 2020 (Updated: Feb 2022). Please note, this dataset does not represent all local parks and open spaces within Dún...