Wicklow Fire Service has a compliment of 101 firefighters based throughout the county in ten fire stations.
Oideachas agus SpórtCounty Wicklow has 13 branch libraries scattered across the county. These libraries range in size and what services they offer.
Public playgrounds in County Wicklow
Cork City Libraries. Dataset Publisher: Cork City Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2018, Update Frequency: As Required.
Weigh-in-motion sensors capture vehicle weights, number of axles and weight distribution of vehicles as they travel over the sensor location. This information is used to inform activities including pavement and bridge design, network maintenance and research. TII currently has...
TII operates and maintains a network of traffic counters on the national primary and secondary road network in Ireland. There are currently almost 300 of these counters active across the network. For an interactive view of the data they capture, go to the TII Traffic Counter...
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Locations of Luas Red and Green line stops
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