Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
This dataset has no description
River Catchment boundaries in all of the island of Ireland
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of roads, which were identified as those roads exceeding the flow threshold of 3 million passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day, evening, night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations and...
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of rail, which were identified as those rail exceeding the flow threshold of 30,000 vehicle passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day, evening, night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations...
This map shows a prediction of the number of homes in a given grid square that exceed the national Reference Level. Grid squares in which the predicted percentage of homes is 10% or greater are called High Radon Areas.
TimpeallachtThis dataset defines the boundaries of solid waste heaps that were located at historic mine sites.
Register of Protected Areas - SAC Conservation Objective Species River WaterbodiesTimpeallachtWFD River Water Bodies intersecting with Designated Special Areas of Conservation Conservation Objective Species under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds Directive) - Council Directive 92/43/EE of 21st May 1992 and Directive 79/409/EEC.
Average concentrations in 2014 for Phosphate (mg/lP) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
IomparNational and International Ferry Routes to/from Ireland. Data was created from MIDA for use in Marine Strategy Framework Directive article 8, 9 10 reporting.
Location of marine basin divisions in the North Atlantic around Ireland. A geological basin is a large low-lying area. It is often below sea level. There are five designated basins and each basin represents a large submarine depression of a generally circular, elliptical or...
Estimated annual average wave period (seconds) created by a Pelamis Wave Model for Accessible Wave Energy Resource Atlas. Wave period values are measured as lower and upper values in seconds as calculated by the Pelamis wave model. Annual average wave period covers an area...
Average concentrations in 2014 for Nitrogen (mg/l N03) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. The Subcatchment dataset is built on clusters of river water body polygons and are entirely contained within the...
TimpeallachtSeasonal density driven transport from the Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment (IOSEA).
This dataset shows the overall annual bathing water quality following monitoring carried out by Local Authorities over the bathing period which runs from 1st June to 15th September annually. The assessments are carried out on designated Bathing water locations as part of the...
Register of Protected Areas - SPA Conservation Objective Habitat Ground WaterbodiesTimpeallachtWFD Ground Water Bodies intersecting with Designated Special Protection Areas Conservation Objective Habitats under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds Directive) - Council Directive 92/43/EE of 21st May 1992 and 79/409/EEC.
This dataset contains a GIS vector polyline of 11,770 2D seismic survey lines undertaken in seas around Ireland. Data includes contractor, line, survey Id, company, survey area name, project code and prefix details. A 2D survey typically contains numerous lines acquired...
TimpeallachtData indicates the location for mid-water trawl fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon...
TimpeallachtThis is a dataset of the lake segment polygons in the Republic of Ireland.